• SugarSnack@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Don’t you think the same stuff goes on in Arab, Asian, African, South American countries? It’s not all about white men, it’s a class issue.

    • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
      11 months ago

      Sure, and then when a rich white man shows up from a rich white country he suddenly outranks them - and if they don’t respect the white man, the West will wage economic war on them through sanctions and blockades and diplomatic aggression.

      Race can be complicated, sure, but there’s a hierarchy and it always stems back to the white man because white men colonized the world.

      That’s why decolonization and anti-imperialism are essential pillars of anti-capitalism, and that’s why anti-whiteness is revolutionary.

      Whiteness has to be abolished. It’s not real. It’s just a tool of supremacy and suppression.

      • Firemyth@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        I hope you go to a middle eastern country and spout the bullshit. I’d literally laugh as your head fell off your body.

          • Firemyth@lemm.ee
            11 months ago

            I think they… frown… on the idea that they are lesser than white people. Please please please go tell a rich Saudi the same thing you said about a white man showing up and being in charge of them I so want you to do that.

            The underlying point to all this being you have a very myopic and biased understanding of the world. And i think people like you should not be allowed.

            • redtea@lemmygrad.ml
              11 months ago

              Do you think it’s a coincidence that almost all the world’s rich people are (white and) from the global north while the almost all the world’s poorest people are in the global south?

              What queermunist is saying has got almost nothing to do with what people, including wealthy Saudis, think. It’s not an idealist claim. It’s material reality. You may be missing some of the subtlety in what’s being said.

              I’ll turn it around: could a wealthy Saudi go to the US, France, Germany, Britain, etc, and start making demands like representatives of those countries could make of and in Saudi Arabia? If not, why not? If yes, then why do countries like SA keep the prices of exports below market prices, allowing western importers to charge the difference in tax to prop up their welfare systems? Bear in mind, too, that whiteness is a political category, a ‘floating signifier’ in the words of Stuart Hall. It’s got nothing to do with biology and little to do with skin colour.

              You might want to look up the concept of racial capitalism to develop a more nuanced view of the claims being made. Or watch Hall’s lecture on the [floating] signifier, followed by reading something by Frantz Fanon.

              • Firemyth@lemm.ee
                11 months ago

                Can a Saudi go to x country and act the same as x country going to Saudi? Hell yeah they can. I don’t know where you get the idea that some random white can go to Saudi and somehow be more than the reverse. If anything watch a rich Saudi show up and see how far x country will bend over backwards to accommodate them.

                Of course you guys are referencing Marxist ideology. As I said- you have a very myopic and biased understanding of things.you essentially only participate in echo chambers and have your communist buddies brigade anyone who dares counter your half thought out ideas. You are putting words in the other guy’s mouth- trying to make his argument into more than it is. He literally has said a rich white man outranks a rich native to x country- end of story. Even if he was referencing your version- it’s still Marxist echochamber bs.

                Read Go, Ralph, singhal, etc…

                • redtea@lemmygrad.ml
                  11 months ago

                  What you don’t seem to understand is that Marxists are historical materialists. This carries some implications, such as those I added to queermunist’s comments. I added my thoughts because I understood what was being said and it was clear that you misunderstood.

                  For example, Marxists aren’t overly interested in what ‘some random white’ can do because the model behind the phrase is liberal individualist. When talking about class relations, Marxists are talking explicitly about class relations, not individual relations.

                  From this perspective, rich white men do outrank everyone else. That’s exactly what living under a racial hierarchy under racial capitalism means. The problem, to reiterate, is interpreting this claim from a liberal individualist viewpoint and reading ‘rich white man’ as referring to an individual rather than as a stand-in for a class.

                  Yes, everyone’s views are biased. Idk what that is supposed to show in this context other than as a way to shut down the people you’re disagreeing with as if to say that they’re biased and you’re not. I accept my views are biased. That’s how I ensure that I don’t live in an echo chamber.

                  Referencing echo chambers suggests that you don’t understand historical materialism, which stands for the ruthless criticism of all that exists – if it’s an echo chamber it cannot be Marxism. Marxists begin with the world as it currently exists. It does not begin with an ideal. It is the express rejection of idealism.

                  I will take a look at those recommendations but you’re going to have to give me more than single surnames if I’m to find their work.

                  • Firemyth@lemm.ee
                    11 months ago

                    Buddy- you are literally re-parsing what has been said. Using your buzzwords does not make you more correct about what you are saying. I’ve given you the exact same amount of information on the “signifiers” as you gave me. You can go find the material for yourself.

                    You created your user on lemmygrad. Litrrally half your comments are from comradeship, reactionary, antileftist bs. You claiming you don’t live in an echochamber is a logical fallacy

              • Firemyth@lemm.ee
                11 months ago

                That you believe a rich white guy can go in and just command authority purely on the basis of him being a rich white guy is objectively wrong.

                • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
                  11 months ago

                  So I think you’re overlooking the fact that rich white countries conquered the world and back up rich white guys wherever they goes. His money and white skin have power because of what’s behind it.

                  It’s not unlimited - if he became a nuisance to other rich white guys they’d have him dealt with.

                  • Firemyth@lemm.ee
                    11 months ago

                    I think Chinese, Saudis, Indian, etc rich folk would have just as much power as any random rich white guy. That you are so hyper focused on white skin is really just proving my point.

                    Your thoughts seem like something from a bad propaganda film.

    • BartsBigBugBag@lemmy.tf
      11 months ago

      Right, but in America, race and class are intertwined. Look at how they treat black tax evaders vs white tax evaders. Wesley Snipes spent 3 years in prison. Ja Rule got 28 months in prison. Lauryn Hill got 3 months. H Ty Warner got 0 jail time. Nicolas Cage at one point owed $14 million to the IRS and he’s never even been charged.