About two-thirds of Canadians surveyed this month said American democracy cannot survive another four years of Donald Trump in the White House, and about half said the United States is on the way to becoming an authoritarian state, a poll released on Monday said.

  • WashedOver@lemmy.ca
    8 months ago

    Unfortunately there’s a segment of Canadians that have been exposed to the same brain rot social media as our Southern Cousins that would very much like to see Trump in power even in our country.

    They often confuse American rights/amendments with Canadian and think they are interchangeable between the countries.

    It’s a shame as we use to be proud of what made us same but also different. It’s an amazing lesson on the powers of social media and it shows how far behind we are compared to the Russians and the Chinese who are using it to their advantage within our countries. It’s child’s play for them now…

    • jkibble@lemmy.ca
      8 months ago

      As someone from Alberta I feel attacked. Unfortunately it’s completely accurate

      • WashedOver@lemmy.ca
        8 months ago

        I hear it’s not a lot of fun with the Provincial Government being in on the ground floor of this stuff especially when it comes to ending alternative power generation, not allowing health care professionals refer to vaccines and what they are for publically, and I’m sure the list goes on from there which is fun to endure.

        I was referring to my local redneck relations and friends in BC.

    • Rentlar@lemmy.ca
      8 months ago

      Maybe NAFTA had us import some American stupidity in exchange for Ted Cruz…

  • bionicjoey@lemmy.ca
    8 months ago

    About two-thirds of Canadians surveyed this month said American democracy cannot survive another four years of Donald Trump

    I’m surprised two-thirds of Canadians still view American democracy as being “alive” enough to be at risk of not “surviving” something.

    • nyan@lemmy.cafe
      8 months ago

      Technically, a comatose person in the hospital on life support is still alive . . . and to be honest, I don’t think that’s a bad analogy in this case. It dies if the Republicans pull the plug by ceasing to go through the motions.

  • Ulrich_the_Old@lemmy.ca
    8 months ago

    He should be executed for treason and we all know this. The fact that this has not happened reasonably makes us fear the worst. We all know what happened when hitler was not executed when he reasonably could have been.

  • IninewCrow@lemmy.ca
    8 months ago

    The responsibility for this development is not that the average American electing someone like Trump.

    The responsibility is a horde of professionals, academics, trained politicians, highly educated people and highly experienced people who are all actively working to promote, support, finance and encourage the election of Trump.

    If they relied on Trump’s charisma alone, he would have been forgotten a long time ago. They have to continually promote him in order to make him viable … and that promotion can only occur with money and leagues of professionals who actually want to support this.

    Average people can be directly and marketed to elect whoever the establishment wants … if they wanted to, they could reanimate the dead corpse of Hitler and with enough marketing and promotion, they could get him elected.

    • Avid Amoeba@lemmy.ca
      8 months ago

      This is an interesting, and probably valid point. On one hand capitalism gonna capitalism and some are seeing themselves as economic winners under Trump. But on the other, I have a feeling that there’s a significant ideological factor that falls outside of this. Parts social ideology, economic ideology, and … religious ideology.

    • SamuelRJankis@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Plenty Canadians to this day will vote to keep housing prices high thinking they’re on going reap the gains but they’re somehow isolated from all the bad stuff that come with it.

      For the people you’re referring it’s at least logical if you make enough money to destroy the eco system you live in but you’re capable\willing to move somewhere else.

  • Blackout@kbin.social
    8 months ago

    Can you imagine. Americans fleeing their country as political refugees to prevent getting assassinated. Why this is the future my parents chose is beyond my understanding. Luckily I live just 20 minutes away from Canada and they like me there.

    • pbjamm@beehaw.org
      8 months ago

      I and my family left the USA for Canada last year, not because of Trump necessarily, but the possibility of him being reelected certainly did not slow us down. Even though it has been absurdly cold the last week, so far I regret nothing about the move. I could have just left the Big City for a small one in the US, but finding one of those that is not Trumpy would be a challenge. Instead we moved to BC and it is astoundingly beautiful. I marvel at its beauty every day and I hope I never stop.

        • pbjamm@beehaw.org
          8 months ago

          Thanks cuz! I was slightly concerned that people might be resentful of us but so far everyone has been kind and welcoming. I am Canadian already (dual citizen) thanks to my Mom being from Toronto and hopefully the wife/kids will be Permanent Residents by spring. Bureaucracy is fairly efficient here but that is still means slow.

          • PenguinTD@lemmy.ca
            8 months ago

            When I hear efficient and Canadian gov(especially immigration related) together it genuinely surprise my until I know we are comparing it to US.

  • PenguinTD@lemmy.ca
    8 months ago

    So GOP has no other person that are willing to do the right thing and just call him what he really is?

      • PenguinTD@lemmy.ca
        8 months ago

        So all the GOP politicians just cowards in the face of death threats because 2nd amendment and people can just go assassinate them? Did I read this right as I thought GOP is all about small gov and protect your stuff/property with your guns. Like they don’t have the slight courage to call it and fucking say this is a cult and I will defend my family like they defend their gun rights? Is US as a whole tolerate this type of behavior and not hunting down those and jail if they send out death threats while they swatting people from fake internet calls. What a hypocritical country I have to say.

        edit: after reading the link entirely, I am glad to say that some people’s head is still clear and thinking. But unfortunately the GOP political figures are disgraces of US’s founding fathers, more like shit stains of democracy.

  • isthereany@discuss.online
    8 months ago

    I think Canadians might want to look in a mirror before worrying about what is happening in the US.

    It’s somewhat concerning to me because there is this general “save our Democracy” push now in the media around stopping Trump. It’s concerning because many of the things they said we should worry Trump would do they ended up doing under Biden. It wasn’t that long ago we were told to worry Trump was going to start WW3 by attacking Russia as one example.

    Is this more projection about their own intent?

    • SkyNTP@lemmy.ml
      8 months ago

      All this comment does is muddy the waters with unsubstantiated claims and whataboutisms. This looks like the exact kind of social engineering being pumped out of China and Russia to attack our democracy and weaken the unity and resolve of Canadians and Americans. Get this shit out of here.

      • isthereany@discuss.online
        8 months ago

        71% of Canadians say the concept that the rule of law applies equally to everyone is weakening in the United States

        • Bipta@kbin.social
          8 months ago

          You know they’re worried over the cracks exposed during the Trump years, right? How do you not realize that?

    • Bipta@kbin.social
      8 months ago

      It wasn’t that long ago we were told to worry Trump was going to start WW3 by attacking Russia as one example.

      No one ever said that. Ever.

    • floofloof@lemmy.ca
      8 months ago

      Who was saying Trump would attack Russia? People know his wealth comes from Russia and he fawns over Putin. The worry was that he would be too friendly to Putin.

      • isthereany@discuss.online
        8 months ago

        I already provided sources in another comment. This was part of the “he’s a madman” narrative before the Russia collusion hoax.

    • Rentlar@lemmy.ca
      8 months ago

      If there’s just one reason I don’t want Trump in office, it’s that I don’t want to have news on whatever Trump lied about air on Citynews EVERY goddamn evening.

      But we are beyond that. If Trump and his increasingly deranged advisers get to the levers of powers again… it’s not going to be good.

      • Has Biden ever said something to the effect of “As President I’ll be dictator just for a day?”
      • Have Biden and his supporters organized a violent attack on the Capitol?

      Polievre is a sniveling liar playing political games in our Parliament but even he and 90% of his party haven’t done the likes of above…

      Up in Canada we have our share of kooks like the folks that camped out in Ottawa for some time and blocked border crossings… but it’s very clear the source of this type of rhetoric is imported from Americans.

      • isthereany@discuss.online
        8 months ago

        The news obsessing over Trump bad every night is a scary reasoning for not wanting him in office. It means the propaganda and efforts to disenfranchise people are successful. Trump didn’t lie any more than any other President and often his lies are trivial things. Not like Bush lying about Iraq having WMDs or Biden lying about not getting 10% for the big guy and being involved in Hunter’s foreign business operations. The media is deciding how many lies they’re going to attempt to find and put on the news. I’m sure Trump has said some serious lies too but the media making a mockery of themselves only serves to cover those up by creating noise.

        This plays into your first question. Trump said he would be a dictator just on the first day to close the border and promote domestic oil. The media, and Biden, is now parroting that he said he would be a dictator “on day one.” That is what he said, but he said for one day, not “forever after starting day one.” It’s a joke and frankly bait for the media and democrats. They are fake news and dishonest. They even went to court with the defense that they aren’t real news agencies just entertainment to avoid following laws actual journalists are supposed to follow.

        You can see another example of this in the story I just HAD to sign up to Lemmy in order to respond to. That Trump said “even if you freeze to death it will be worth it to go vote for him in Iowa.” The news, and Lemmy, are clutching their pearls. Trump cares so little about you he doesn’t care if you freeze to death! It’s a joke! And it’s made all the more funny by people trying to mischaracterize it as a serious statement. Trump is going to do this, over and over, because Americans find it absolutely hilarious. Just look at this post and the comments:


        These people who refuse to let Trump tell a joke will get him reelected because it’s funny watching them try to act like Trump is being serious.

        You’re not American so you don’t really get it. COULD Trump be a dictator? Not if our government works the way it is supposed to. The very premise of a President becoming a dictator is funny to Americans and made all the more entertaining because Congress has tried to make the President a dictator and now they’re walking back their own actions in the face of Trump. The AUMF and them discussing removing it is a great example. Here is one of the central core responsibilities of Congress, authorizing war, and they legislated it away and gave the President that power but NOW they want to take it away because someone that isn’t part of the club might have those powers so they’re concerned. There is a much larger context at play as to why this is so funny and why people focusing on these jokes will only further promote Trump. I’m sorry but you definitely will be hearing about it on the news every single night because it’s extremely entertaining and that’s why the “news” who characterizes itself as entertainment and not news will keep promoting it.

        Trump and his supporters never organized a violent attack on the Capitol so I’m not sure what point you’re making there. Believe me, if he and his supporters had ORGANIZED AN ATTACK on the Capitol it wouldn’t have looked anything like Jan 6. The crowd at the capitol was made up of federal agents, MAGA idiots, BLM, antifa, and so on. The only person killed there was standing right next to a BLM person who is the one who kept shouting at her to climb through the window. You could just as easily say Biden and his supporters organized nation wide rioting, looting, and murder. Many, many more people died as a result of BLM associated rioting than did at the Capitol. There was billions of dollars in damage done all around the country. Except, that would be disingenous, Biden and his supporters didn’t organize that. You can’t mischaracterize tens of millions of people by the actions of a few hundred. Neither the BLM rioting or the Capitol incident involved more than a few hundred people and neither was approved by, organized by, or involved with Trump or Biden.

        • Rentlar@lemmy.ca
          8 months ago

          I care less whether the news characterized Trump as bad or good, just that I as a Canadian HAD to hear about a leader of another country every day, and I am sick and tired of hearing it. It’s not propaganda, it’s capitalist interests that own news orgs having a field day bringing the latest outrage that keeps the money rolling for them. Simple as that.

          Number of lies tallied over 30 thousand over his 4 years in office, averaging 21 a day. This guy is a life-long scammer known for over 30 years for stiffing people on payment and you still advocate for him. Good for you, bud.
