And last year they were all saying some variation on “don’t worry, AI is not going to cost anyone their jobs.”

Key take away for anyone is to never trust what an executive is saying. Much like a politician, if their lips are moving they are probably lying.

    9 months ago

    Companies are going to hype up AI then fire some staff to get a stock bump & Management high-fives themselves with bonuses. Weeks later contract offers will come up for some odd title but will be the equivalent of a VBA programmer role to help improve the terrible AI responses.

    The cost will go up and some web service company will come out to hype it up as a service. The companies that laid off won’t admit that this was unnecessary. So a consortium of those companies will got to industry events pitching about how this is all Web 4.0 growing pains to give the customer a more “collaborative” delivery mechanism or something buzz-worthy like that.