The only people in the chat seem to be the most racist, homophobic, sexist scumbags. It’s like walking into a 4chan convention… is that you guys? Why is it as soon as anonymity is there, the fucking assholes come out?

If this is the general spirit of piracy, I don’t know if I’m interested

    1 year ago

    I don’t like communists, or leftists in general. I find that theyre hateful, snarky, they enjoy watching people suffer, they dehumanize their political opponents, theyre disingenuous most of the time, they want to control your thoughts and how you fuck your wife and most of them are incognito racist. But I’m on the internet. I’m here, on Lemmy. Why? Because I want to see this project succeed. I don’t want to go on Instagram and Facebook, I don’t want some sterile environment where all anyone talks about is the weather and the new flavor of Ben and Jerry’s.

    If you don’t want to hang out in spaces where people you don’t like hang out, don’t. If it gives you nothing of value feel free. But the internet is public, so it mirrors the world. These are our friends, family members, neighbors, the people we used to talk to at the sandwich joint before everyone had headphones in all the time. I don’t want to experience the world through a fucking condom.

      1 year ago

      Hey man, I don’t want to see the internet become sanitized either. I just don’t think hate should get dismissed as “the internet being the internet”. Also, I hope you don’t assume I’m a communist or something, tankies are just Nazis with a red coat of paint.

      Speaking of nazis, my mistake in assuming you were relatively neutral.

        1 year ago

        Hahahahaha have fun digging in my butthole.

        I said I don’t like leftists, I don’t know where you got the idea that I was neutral. But I don’t like Nazis either (real Nazis, not what leftists call Nazis which is everyone and everything), that meme makes a scary point to me, reactionaries breed reactionaries kind of thing. One day one of them is going to be arguing with me on the internet and go digging in my butthole, find this dialogue and screenshot it like it’s some kind of win.