• NoiseColor@startrek.website
    10 months ago

    Another person with the incredible wisdom to tell me the is no sun during the night. Thank you sir!

    I’ll make it quick: Reducing carbon emissions is urgent. Building nuclear plants takes time, is expensive. There is no capacity to build enough to offset any carbon, not to mention building them produces carbon emissions. Plus many are even scheduled to be closed.

    Building something that will make a difference 20 years from now is smart, but if it comes at the expense of what is urgent today, it is very very dumb.

    • buzziebee@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Energy needs are only going to keep rising. Just build both FFS. Wind and solar is often built by private companies on their own initiative so with the right incentives the market can just go and build them. Government’s can put money towards nuclear so that we don’t need to have this same stupid tired argument in 20 years that we’ve been having for the last 20. It’s completely different industries and technical skills so it’s not as if doing one detracts from the other. Just start fucking building them.