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    8 months ago

    Christians literally go door to door trying to covert people.

    That’s the problematic statement. You use the word “Christians” to refer to certain American denominations that represent a small fraction of Christians globally. The funny thing is, those denominations were seen by most people in my native country (about 90% Christian population when I was growing up) as heretic sects that should be avoided. I believe that was (and probably still is) the case for most Orthodox or Catholic Christians (who are the vast majority of Christians outside of the US).

      8 months ago

      The door to door thing might be reserved to some sects, and is absolutely a modern invention.

      What isn’t is the crusades, where Christianity literally waged war on the world to try and violently convert as many people to it as possible, and once they had enough power from doing that, white and Christian supremacist colonial and imperial missionary work took over, the results of which are ongoing and still felt around the world today (for example and on topic, anti gay attitudes and legislation imposed by colonisers and imperialists on those they were forcing to convert, that still prevail).

      And that’s without even going in to what the church does and has done to its own people.

      So lets not pretend like Christianity is this innocent little lamb that is being wrongly targeted as a dangerous and violent idea organisation that at it’s very basis is about converting as many people to it as possible, kind of like a cancer.

      Can you be a good Christian individually? Sure. Can organised and institutionalised religion be excused for the atrocities it was and still is responsible for (where do you think all the riches of the Vatican come from? God?)? Absolutely not, and by defending it, rather than calling out its faults, you are upholding the status quo instead of investing your energy in to bettering the religion you’re obviously so attached to.