Hi All,

Over the previous 20 years I’ve used at home mostly Mandriva, then kUbuntu and just installed a Manjaro. So I am not “new to Linux” but still new to Manjaro/arch. Has anyone a good “primer” for people migrating ?

A few questions I have

  • How does pacman work compared to apt-get ? and how to find in which package an command lies. I struggled a bit to get lsinput (to configure a rudder pedal for flight sim)

  • I am struggling a bit with Zsh, like I ended up starting bash to configure an environment variable, any ressources on-it. Or shall I simply change my setting (and how) to use bash that I know a bit. It’s a home/Gaming PC so I don’t plan to use the console that much but as anyone who has been using linux based OS for a while, I find-it more conveinient

  • FiskFisk33@lemmy.one
    8 months ago

    Why not? Both Ubuntu and Manjaro both have clear pros and cons. There are lots of reasons to go from one to the other in either direction.

    The same can be said for apt vs pacman/aur