Israeli forces in Gaza destroyed the body of a Palestinian man by running him over either using a tank or a bulldozer, the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor said on Friday.

The man is believed to have been in Israeli custody at the time or as of recently. It is not clear if he was alive or dead at the time he was run over.

  • the post of tom
    4 months ago

    I know the answer is probably ‘because AIPAC’ or some ass-covering legalese but that said i still take issue with the the picture confirms as fact that IDF crushed someone who was recently a detainee with tank treads.

    Is the reader to suppose that after witnesses say he was detained and questioned, he was ‘freed’ before they crushed him and therefore it is his status as a detainee that is unconfirmed? This picture does not “suggest” anything.

    I am struggling to understand the wording of this as anything other than journalistic deference to the state, though i suppose a more charitable take would be that nobody does any journalism besides the yellow kind.

    Yellow journalism and yellow press are American terms for journalism and associated newspapers that present little or no legitimate, well-researched news while instead using eye-catching headlines for increased sales.

    included this cuz it’s a yankee term

      4 months ago

      MEE is an incredibly biased and half truth organization. Will their be some truth behind this - probably, but consider them as accurate as timesofisrael…

      The thumbnail is also a stock picture of them loading tanks onto trucks