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  • Snot
    7 months ago

    Yeah, because botnets are made from consumer-level machines that are badly secured.

    So some idiot who knows nothing about Linux sets it up the first time, never create an account other than the root account, never enabled UFW, and browses all day is literally the kind of people who make botnets are looking for to target. They don’t target Linux for these because it’s such a small market share in the consumer-desktop market.

    Corporate servers tend to actually have competent security people running them, which is why you don’t see constant breaches of Linux servers, although it happens. Even then, corporate servers can be hacked if the services running on them aren’t appropriately patched. The Equifax hack is a great example of this, a series of cascading failures, and the CVE relating to it touched on that it was an Apache exploit that could work in either Windows or Linux.

    The exploit should work on Windows and Linux. It tests which operating system it runs on via “@java.lang.System@getProperty(‘’)”. It it runs on Windows, then it will execute cmd.exe /c followed by a command (highlighted in red in above’s sample). One Unix, it will execute /bin/bash -c followed by the same command.

    Pro-tip: Cybersecurity is hard, and expecting random asshats who’ve never had any training figure out on the go is asking for a bad time.