F-Droid is an installable catalogue of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for the Android platform. The client makes it easy to browse, install, and keep track of updates on your device.
I have a lot of complaints about this too, but namely lack of seamless updates is baffling to me.
Luckily I found Droid-ify and solves both those problems. Also has the common repos frequently added, like IzzyOnDroid, easily pre-available to enabled in the settings.
This definitely replaced the archaeic fdroid client for me, they desperately need an overhaul as it’s a terrible first impression.
I sure hope not. No no no. Material you is ugly, and in 99% of apps not an option, but a forced changed. No need for that. It looks good enough for an app store.
Are they planning on modernizing the app for Material You? It feels out of place in my phone in 2023.
edit: all the people who suggested Droid-ify know what’s up. Thanks, guys!
You can use neostore or droid-ify for material fdroid
Are they updated to use the new difference-based repository format?
EDIT: I was curious so I searched, they don’t.
NeoStore, Droid-iFy
Not sure about neostore, but droid-ify takes like a half a second to fetch repo updates, and fdroid takes me like 10 seconds.
The official F-droid client has material design. Material design 1, the only material design that has anything to do with the concept.
You’re not wrong there.
I have a lot of complaints about this too, but namely lack of seamless updates is baffling to me.
Luckily I found Droid-ify and solves both those problems. Also has the common repos frequently added, like IzzyOnDroid, easily pre-available to enabled in the settings.
This definitely replaced the archaeic fdroid client for me, they desperately need an overhaul as it’s a terrible first impression.
You can get Droidify and it provides a more pleasant visual experience.
I personally like it. However there are alternative apps
I sure hope not. No no no. Material you is ugly, and in 99% of apps not an option, but a forced changed. No need for that. It looks good enough for an app store.
God I hope not
The ui seems ok, but the search is so ridiculously bad I’d don’t know how they did it.