Please post one top-level comment per complaint about Lemmy. You can reply with ideas or links to existing GitHub issues that could address the complaints. This will help identify both common complaints and potential solutions.

I believe there are a large number of feature requests on Lemmy’s GitHub page, making it difficult for developers to prioritize what’s truly important to users. I propose creating a periodic post on Lemmy asking users to list their complaints and suggestions. This way, developers can better understand the community’s biggest pain points and focus their efforts accordingly. The goal is to provide constructive feedback so developers can prioritize the most pressing issues.

Please keep discussion productive and focused on specific problems you’ve encountered. Avoid vague complaints or feature wishes without justification for why they are important.

Here is a summary of all the complaints from the previous post from six months ago. It’s interesting to see how many issues have been solved and whether or not developers value user feedback.


• Instance-agnostic links (links that don’t pull you into a different instance when clicked) • Ability to group communities into a combined feed, similar to multireddits • Front page algorithm shows too many posts from the same community in a row, including reposts • Need to separate NSFW and NSFL posts • Basic mod tools • Proper cross-posting support • Ability to view upvoted posts • Post tagging/flairs and search by flair • Better permalink handling for long comment chains • Combine duplicate posts from different instances into one • Allow filtering/blocking by regex patterns • Avatar deletions not federating across instances • Option to default to “Top” comment sort in settings • Migration of profile (posts, comments, upvotes, favs, etc.) between instances • Mixed feed combining subscribed/local/all based on custom ratios • Categories of blocklists (language, NSFW, etc) • Group crossposts to same post as one item • Feedback for users waiting for admin approval
• Propose mixed feed merging subscribed/local/all feeds • Ability to subscribe to small/niche communities easier • Reduce duplicate crossposts showing up • Scroll to top when clicking “Next” page • User flair support • Better language detection/defaults for communities • Ability to subscribe to category “bundles” of similar meta-communities • RSS feed support • Option to turn off reply notifications • Easier way to subscribe across instances • Default to “Subscribed” view in community list • Fix inbox permalinks not navigating properly • API documentation in OpenAPI format • Notification badges should update without refresh • Single community mode for instances • Reduce drive-by downvoting in small communities • More powerful front page sorting algorithm

    • Admiral
      6 months ago

      What made you decide to write it?

      Every lemmy ui had some major or minor thing that annoyed me. lol. Wish I had a better answer, but that’s basically it. Credit where it’s due, though. I forked a very early version of Photon to build it, so it’s not 100% me, but it definitely stands on its own now. Both projects have diverged quite a lot since that.

      Where can I find out which instances offer that UI?

      Not sure. DB0, Literature Cafe, Lemmy NSFW I know used to run it, but not sure if they still do or not. I discontinued it in December after some internal drama happened but have since revived the project. I’ve only released bugfixes to the main branch, but am working on a new release with some visual polish and some requested features.

      You can host it yourself if you want and point it to any Lemmy instance. My instance uses it as the default UI, and it’s unlocked to allow connection to any.

      I’m in the middle of a complete refactor and hope to have that out in the next few weeks.

      Edit: Photon supports a lot of that, too, but not all of the stuff I listed. Lemmy World runs Photon at . It’s nice, but I still prefer my spin on it :)

        6 months ago

        Nice, I’d seen you’d stopped a while ago but I’ll look at hosting it if it’s back alive.

        • Admiral
          6 months ago

          I haven’t announced any new releases yet (just pushed bugfixes) but if you’re interested, keep an eye out for 1.3.0 in the next (ideally) 3-4 weeks. I’ve been adding a lot of polish and added Infinite Scroll which is something I didn’t really want to implement but was getting a lot of requests for. Now that I’ve got it added, I don’t hate it lol.

          If you’re brave and want to self-host it, the “InfiniteScroll” branch is my “nightly” branch for 1.3.0.