• anyhow2503@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    You could not have worded that more condescendingly. The issue here is that Rust is singled out for no more apparent reason than making for a clickbaity headline. The underlying Windows API function requires undocumented escaping to prevent this exploit, Microsoft won’t fix that because it breaks compatibility, pretty much every programming language with a standard library that provides access to it is affected - Java won’t even fix it, others have updated their documentation. Rust is the first to actually implement a fix for a vulnerability that’s ultimately caused by Windows and gets called out for it for some reason. Of course people are going to get defensive about it. As they do every time a stupid headline gets published.

    • scrion@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      You are right, I was kind of a dick about it. I even realized that, deleted the most offensive lines twice and then still sent it.

      On top of having a bad day in general, I encountered countless similar responses in other places, some of which were so borderline in(s)ane and over the top that I was… let’s just say taken aback.

      As I said, the headline could have been better, whole article honestly, same goes for the reaction of the Rust community though.

      As for my own replies, I’ll probably follow my gut feeling next time when having second thoughts about posting.