What are the main differences between pipewire and pulseaudio? Which one is better? What are other alternative popular sound servers besides these two?

  • Audbol@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    ASIO is not an audio server running in exclusive mode. I mean just there, that alone makes me understand you completely have no idea what you are talking about, the rest of the gibberish you spewed here is funny but that’s the biggest red flag. Thank you my guy, for deciding not to research anything about this subject then write a nice long comment attempting to make my look like an idiot while doing no research at all and wasting my time and the time of anyone else reading here and making an attempt to worsen the Linux community in doing so. Bravo, thank you so much

    • uis@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      ASIO is not an audio server running in exclusive mode.

      I never said that. ASIO is a driver running in exclusive mode. ALSA is a driver, that just so happens to be able to run in exclusive mode. If you searched here for “Direct Read / Write transfer”, then you would have seen this:

      After application transfers the data in the memory areas, then it must be acknowledged the end of transfer via snd_pcm_mmap_commit() function to allow the ALSA library update the pointers to ring buffer. This kind of communication is also called “zero-copy”, because the device does not require to copy the samples from application to another place in system memory.

      • Audbol@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        ASIO is still not an audio driver running in exclusive mode, my brother in Christ how do you not understand this

        • uis@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          ASIO is still not an audio driver running in exclusive mode, my brother in Christ how do you not understand this

          So you want to say ASIO has software mixing? Really?