• conciselyverbose@sh.itjust.works
    6 months ago

    Passing laws is how they regulate international commerce. Or one way. Treaties are another. Executive orders are another. Actions of regulatory bodies within frameworks established by prior legislation is another.

    Congress passing legislation to stop hostile foreign ownership of a US business that’s doing harm is well within their authority.

    • Maggoty@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      A. Doing what harm? People just throw this around and there’s been no evidence except, “lol it’s a social media company”.

      B. It’s not within their authority unless there’s a specific national security problem. So what about TikTok is going to breach national security? Are they stealing military secrets? (They were already banned from government devices along with other social media apps so the answer is no. They’re not.)

      The Constitution is supposed to protect us from the government just pointing at us and declaring us criminals. Today it’s TikTok tomorrow it’s you.

      • conciselyverbose@sh.itjust.works
        6 months ago

        A. It’s malware that does an obscene amount of spying, even compared to other social media. Forcing the sale isn’t good enough. It should have been outright banned.

        B. That’s incorrect. Their authority over foreign trade is unconditional and absolute. There are absolutely zero restrictions on what they can do to restrict foreign trade. Non-US companies have literally zero constitutional rights. They can ban all trade with any foreign person or business who has any commercial interaction with China if they wish. The Constitution places absolutely zero restrictions on their authority to restrict international trade.

        No, the slippery slope does not exist, ignoring that that’s a stupid fallacy for a reason. I am not an enemy state. I am a US citizen. I have Constitutional rights. TikTok doesn’t, and for very good reason.

        • Maggoty@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          Oh now it’s malware? Funny, I haven’t seen it on any warning lists. Google hasn’t thrown it’s shield up and made me click the naughty button. Is there any reputable source saying it’s malware? Or are you just hoping I wasn’t tech literate?

          International trade is literal trade, not just any foreigner offering a service. Foreign companies operating inside the US have the same rights you or I or Hobby Lobby have. Anything less runs into the same problems with restricting the Rights of non citizen individuals, namely that citizens inevitably lose those rights too. As long as they’re here they have the same rights.

          • conciselyverbose@sh.itjust.works
            6 months ago

            Yes, they’ve been caught abusing multiple exploits.

            Foreign trade is literally anything involving any person from any country that’s not the US, any corporation that isn’t based in the US, and anything involving any US citizen crossing the borders of the US and bringing anything back. The government has unconditional and unlimited authority to regulate and restrict all of it for any reason. There are absolutely zero limitations. The government can completely bar any foreign ownership of any US asset and any corporation that isn’t registered exclusively in the US from doing any business at all with anyone within the borders of the US. It cannot possibly be a Constitutional issue.

            • Maggoty@lemmy.world
              6 months ago

              Oh? And there are reports of this, right? By cyber security professionals? Reports you could link to?

              And no. Your definition would turn the New Jersey tourist industry into a Foreign Trade. If that authorization is already in law then surely you could point it out so our esteemed politicians could just use that?

              I’ll save you the trouble. It isn’t there. You’re making this up as you go along because you like the way that sounds. But we’ve spent 70 years building an international trade with treaties and international courts. Even if this, somehow, isn’t a beach of the 1st Amendment, 5th Amendment, and the prohibition on Bills of Attainder we still have to abide by the treaties we’ve signed. Treaties our Constitution affords the same level of respect as itself.

              See, that’s all easily findable. There’s no circular logic about having the authority so you can pass a law giving yourself the authority. It’s how laws are supposed to work.

              • conciselyverbose@sh.itjust.works
                6 months ago

                Yes, it’s been reported numerous times.

                Yes, Congress could pass laws banning tourism by foreign nationals if they wished. The constitution is explicit that they can do literally anything they want to regulate trade with other countries, and they absolute do regularly ban and sanction foreign bad actors. It has nothing to do with laws that exist. There are numerous such sanctions already in place against China and Chinese actors, and it’s an inherent right of being a sovereign nation.

                You have absolutely no rights to interact or do business with foreign actors. It cannot possibly violate your rights to be prohibited from interacting with China. Every single country on the planet breaks treaties when things change to the extent doing so is required, which is irrelevant, because China routinely bans US companies for the sole purpose of protecting their own state controlled entities.

                There is nothing for the Supreme Court to rule on. There is nothing remotely ambiguous here and nothing that in any way resembles a new precedent. This is entirely standard behavior.

                • Maggoty@lemmy.world
                  6 months ago

                  Then where’s the report?

                  You’ve sat here for three comments now, without referencing the Constitution, or the report just declaring your narrative as truth.