Tiba al-Ali’s death has sparked the call for change for violence against women in Iraq.

  • SulaymanF@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    This is NOT religion. This is stupid culture. There’s a reason every religious leader in Iraq condemned this. This stupid cultural idea existed for thousands of years, long before religion, and religious leaders are the ones actually citing holy books to help put a stop to this. Blame the right people.

    • MuhammadJesusGaySex@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Look, there are Christians that believe in polygamy and child marriage as part of their faith. Does that mean all Christians? No.

      Likewise, do I think that all Muslims support this behavior? No. But the numbers don’t lie. It is an almost uniquely Muslim phenomenon. It doesn’t matter where the Muslims come from.

      • damndotcommie@lemmy.basedcount.com
        10 months ago

        But the numbers don’t lie. It is an almost uniquely Muslim phenomenon.

        What?? You think muslim people have the lock on killing their own children. I think I just saw a news story weeks ago about a woman in the u.s. that killed her children. I mean americans usually tend towards just killing a bunch of other people’s kids, but whatever. Keep thinking religion is the bad guy here.

          • damndotcommie@lemmy.basedcount.com
            10 months ago

            And you have no way of indicating whether or not someone who had killed a child has deemed it in their mind as an honor killing. The point is, you have a lot to learn. Thinking this can just be solved by eliminating religion, well that’s a tall order. Preach on though, and show those wacky muslims how they should act.

                • MuhammadJesusGaySex@lemmy.world
                  10 months ago

                  Who cares where it originated. Also, if that’s the case. Then how did these tribal customs spread all over the old world. It’s in Muslim communities in the Middle East. It’s in Muslim communities in the Balkans. It’s in Muslim communities in Africa. I mean for that matter 90% of honor killings in the US are Muslim.

                  You can keep lying to yourself all you want to. But don’t tell me what the numbers plainly state. This isn’t a race thing. There are Muslims of all colors. Likewise, it’s obviously not all Muslims.

                  But it’s undeniable that just one problematic part of the Muslim faith is honor killings. Next you’re going to try and explain away child marriage in the Muslim faith. Tell me that Muhammad didn’t have a child bride.

                  My favorite was this crazy math thing this guy told me one time. He said that for women they started counting age at puberty. Since was 7 when she married Muhammad, but started puberty at 12. That means she was 19.

                  Ill let you figure out why that’s wrong. Here’s a hint. The answer has to do with Muhammad’s first wife.

                  And yes I know some Christian sects like the FLDS also do child marriage. It is equally abhorrent, but we aren’t talking about them.

                  The thing is that honor killings are just one more disgusting facet of Islam. Period

                  • SulaymanF@lemmy.world
                    10 months ago

                    who cares where it originated

                    You do, since you’re the one who brought it up in the first place and insisted on it until facts proved you wrong.

                    90% of the honor killings in the US were by people from one of those ethnic regions, and they were doing it for tribal reasons. The Muslim community including Muslims of their own ethnicity were horrified by the practice and unanimously condemned it. The people convicted weren’t even religious. That’s because there’s literally nothing at all in the Quran that supports this practice. Like I said, it’s a pre-Islamic practice that dummies held onto.

                    Let me try to make this simpler for you since you keep ignoring the reality. There were once primitive tribes that believed they had to sacrifice a virgin every year in order to keep the crops growing. Eventually, Christianity and Islam spread to the region, and despite converting there were some who still believed in the practice and tried to do it anyway, until actual religious leaders had to trek over to these remote places and make them stop. History is full of examples like this; Iranians celebrate Nowruz as a cultural holiday even though the holiday is an ancient Zoroastrian one and Iran is now majority Shia. That doesn’t mean it’s an Islamic holiday. You don’t get to blame the religions for their practice no matter how much you hate them.

      • pulaskiwasright@lemmy.ml
        10 months ago

        But the numbers don’t lie. It is an almost uniquely Muslim phenomenon. It doesn’t matter where the Muslims come from.

        I would like to see these numbers that show that it doesn’t matter where the Muslims come from.

      • SulaymanF@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        No, it’s a middle eastern practice that exited for thousands of years before islam. Even though islam forbids it the cultural practice remains. You seem to be drawing a lazy false conclusion. Mafias pre-date Catholicism but just because the Italian mafia exists in a Catholic-majority area doesn’t make it a catholic practice.

        • MuhammadJesusGaySex@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          But the practice spread with Islam. That’s the difference. Mafia didn’t spread with Catholicism, but honor killings DID spread with Islam.

          • SulaymanF@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            No it didn’t. None of the Islamic missionaries included that with any of their teachings, which is why you don’t see Arab-style honor killings in places like Albania or Indonesia.

            You keep insisting on something factually incorrect. It’s like claiming Catholicism invented wife beating and taught it to Latin America. It was never once sanctioned by Islamic scholars or leaders throughout 1400 year history.