Very interesting and understandable explanations of low level architecture and filesystems, namespaces, userspace, kernel functions, drivers etc.

Highly recommend!

    5 months ago

    Sick of debating you people on this. You can’t understand basic logic which tells me right away that you’re either not a programmer or a really bad one, or, more likely, you have some sort of investment in the language’s success.

    There’s no conflict in the statements that you need to be a good C programmer and that it’s impossible to be a perfect programmer. This non-argument is you either not understanding common sense and logic, or you grasping at straws in the vain hope that people will think you’re right because you’re so obsessed with your language of the year that will be forgotten soon enough and replaced with, again, C and other traditional, good, useful languages.

    I don’t know which is the case, but the frenzied, unhinged way you’re trying to defend rust makes me think you have an investment in the language in some way, which makes your argument invalid. I have no such attachments.

    If you can’t understand such common sense arguments, I can’t believe that you even know how to write “Hello World” in any language.

      5 months ago

      You keep coming up with insults or inflamatory comments instead of answering the points, when I’m just trying to have a discussion of ideas. I don’t understand why I am being unhinged when I even agreed with you partially.

      I’m not a Rust programmer, I just play occasionally with it on pet projects. The languages I’m most experienced in are C++ and then C, I have no “horse in the race” of Rust, and I don’t see c/c++ going away anytime soon, I just see what the language improves on them