• GONADS125@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      You are absolutely incorrect in trying to frame the UAP issue as a partisan distraction. You’re just as guilty as the Republicans misinforming people (but maybe not as harmful…).

      Here’s an excerpt from a post of mine:

      I want to point out just how unanimous the bipartisan support is on this subject among our House and Senate. Tim Burchett complimented Chuck Schumer for spear-heading groundbreaking whistle-blower protections and legislation aimed at forcing the government to declassify documents, footage and information pertaining to UAP. [28] The bill centers on reestablishing government oversight and forcing the disclosure of past, present, and future UAP information and data.

      AOC made a series of social media posts on the topic of the Congressional Oversight Committee’s hearing on UAP whistle-blowers, in which she is a member. In it, she states her skepticism of aliens but defends the validity of the existence of UAP in the sense of unidentified objects under intelligent control, as demonstrated by the Nimitz footage/witnesses. AOC voices her concerns and suspicion of private defense contractors’ potential roles in the UAP incidents we are witnessing, citing past instances of unethical and unaccountable spending/programs. AOC points out that of the $800 billion for the Defense Budget (not entire military spending, mind you), 50% of it goes to private contractors, like Boeing and Lockheed Martin. She then goes on to point out that the Pentagon has not passed a single audit. [29]

      AOC states in the video: “So do I think something is going on? Yes. There were specific defense contractors named. There were programs that were being abused that were named. And do I think that there are grounds to pull on that thread further? Yes, I do. And I think that it should be pulled further. Do I know what it is? No. Am I gonna be a hater? No. But I’m always into corruption and cover-ups. Like, that’s my thing. Other people are more specialized in the other parts.” [29]

      Here are some bipartisan direct quotes from Sen. Chuck Schumer’s website:

      “For decades, many Americans have been fascinated by objects mysterious and unexplained and it’s long past time they get some answers,” said Leader Schumer. “The American public has a right to learn about technologies of unknown origins, non-human intelligence, and unexplainable phenomena. We are not only working to declassify what the government has previously learned about these phenomena but to create a pipeline for future research to be made public. I am honored to carry on the legacy of my mentor and dear friend, Harry Reid and fight for the transparency that the public has long demanded surround these unexplained phenomena.” [30]

      “There is a lot we still don’t know about these UAPs and that is a big problem,” said Vice Chairman Rubio. “We’ve taken some important steps over the last few years to increase transparency and reduce stigmas, but more needs to be done. This is yet another step in that direction, and one that I hope will spur further cooperation from the executive branch.” [30]

      “The American people deserve transparency on all issues related to UAPs. Our bipartisan effort will protect and better organize government materials related to UAPs and promote disclosure of this information,” said Senator Young. [30]

      “The American people deserve transparency. And the federal government needs to be able to explain what is happening in our skies,” said Senator Heinrich. “This legislation will devote real resources and take a unified approach to gathering data to fully understand UAPs and better address their national security implications.” [30]

      If you want to educate yourself on what’s actually going on instead of just repeating false talking points like the Republicans you condemn, you should consider reading my post.

      • SignullGone@lemmy.worldOPM
        10 months ago

        I second this recommendation. If one can read through your well documented post and come to the same conclusion they had before, I’d be willing to hear it.

      • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        Chuck Schumer

        This guy?

        Schumer’s propensity for publicity is the subject of a running joke among many commentators. He has been called an “incorrigible publicity hound”.[39] Bob Dole once quipped, “the most dangerous place in Washington is between Charles Schumer and a television camera”;[40] Barack Obama joked that Schumer brought the press to a banquet as his “loved ones”.[41][42][43][44] Schumer often schedules media appearances on Sundays. Some have cited his use of media as a successful way to raise a politician’s profile nationally and among his constituents.[45] Schumer has appeared on The Daily Show seven times.[46]


        The guy most known for being willing to do absolutely anything to get the media talking about him?

        • SignullGone@lemmy.worldOPM
          10 months ago

          He asked if you considered Chuck Schumer to be “batshit crazy”, not whether Chuck Schumer loves media attention. I think we can all agree that most politicians love media attention, and Chuck Schumer is certainly one of them.

          Are you going to dismiss every piece of legislation Chuck Schumer puts his name on simply because he loves media attention?

          • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            Chuck Schumer is the moderate leader in the Dem majority Senate, and instead of trying to pass any of the Dem party platform, he’s working with Republicans on this bullshit…

            I guess I should have said this

            Another Republican/neoliberal clown trying to talk about anything besides their political stances…

            But yes, if Schumer says aliens are visiting Earth, then he’s batshit crazy. Which explains a lot actually, I thought he was a sellout, but he’s probably also crazy

              • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
                10 months ago


                I said:

                Every notice it’s always the batshit crazy ones saying aliens are here?

                And people started asking me if I thought Schumer was crazy…

                So I said:

                But yes, if Schumer says aliens are visiting Earth, then he’s batshit crazy.

                And your response is to say Schumer never said aliens…

                Like, seriously, do you understand how there is absolutely zero logic in the questions I’m getting here?

                If he never said it, why the fuck are all of you bringing him up like some kind of gotcha?

                The bar was really low to begin with, but do you honestly not see the flaw in your argument? Because if so, this is less funny than sad, and I’m legitimately starting to feel bad at this point.

                • grabyourmotherskeys@lemmy.world
                  10 months ago

                  You could just not pay attention to this issue? We are here to discuss it. Calling people “crazy” isn’t really persuasive.

                  You could present an argument that they don’t really believe and of this, for example.

                  In Schumer’s case, his mentor was “batshit crazy” Harry Reid, who was in favour of researching the phenomenon and he is basically carrying on this legacy. I don’t think he would do that if he didn’t believe there was something there. Aliens? Maybe. Let’s do actual scientific research and find out?

            • K0W4LSK1@lemmy.ml
              10 months ago

              If you actually read about this it really has nothing to do with aliens and everything to do with black money and aerial safety for our pilots. It’s crazy that finally when we a bipartisan problem everyone freaks out about that instead of the actually issue it wants to address

    • HM05@lemmy.worldM
      10 months ago

      Democrat Senate Leader Chuck Schumer added the UAP amendment to the NDAA. And, Democrat Congressman Jared Moskowitz is one of the main three in Congress pursuing UAP disclosure alongside Republicans Anna Paulina Luna and Tim Burchett. It’s a bipartisan issue. I don’t think an individual’s political stances should discredit every statement they make, especially when it’s a non-partisan issue.

      • GONADS125@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        It really amazes me how many users come to this community just to try to talk down to people, and that they are upvoted despite pushing verifiably false information.

        I say this as a Democrat, but it seems like it’s mostly the left bandwagon dismissing this information. They treat it like some anti-vaxxer propoganda, and reject the evidence without honestly evaluating it.

        It’s so hilariously hypocritical to come in here blasting people for misinformation when all they’re doing is parroting talking points without verifying the info, just like the trump supports they ridicule for doing the same thing.

        Hypocrites with their heads in the sand.

        • HM05@lemmy.worldM
          10 months ago

          Yeah, I get a similar vibe from combative skeptics on this topic. There are some politicians pursuing this subject that I thoroughly despise, but I know when to set aside differences and agree with them. And, it’s strange to turn this into a partisan issue. Right now the biggest issue being addressed is transparency and oversight. But, people just get wrapped up in the potential “alien” aspect of it.

          • GONADS125@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            You are absolutely right. It’s constantly and often intentionally misconstrued as an alien issue, which detracts from the seriousness of the issue and illicits knee-jerk reactions from people. That’s why you have rational and reasonable people totally write off the issue without any consideration. Which I myself was guilty of until the 2017 NYT publication.

        • SignullGone@lemmy.worldOPM
          10 months ago

          Pay no attention to those who have not seriously looked into the topic and only come in to take pot shots and down vote rather than have a meaningful discussion.

          • GONADS125@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            Oh I don’t get upset by the downvotes, I just wanted to call out the ignorance. This is a community focused on UAP and they basically come in and vote brigade.

            People think the votes are dis/agreement buttons and abuse them as such. Downvoting dissenting opinions just suppresses discussion and breeds toxic echo-chamers.

            Whether they want to believe it or not, their behavior is counter-productive to a healthy functioning site. They can downvote all they want. It doesn’t change the truth.

    • SignullGone@lemmy.worldOPM
      10 months ago

      I’m not saying “aliens” are behind UAP, but why would it be crazy to think they were? What explanation would you attribute to the unresolved cases on AAROs website?