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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • That just goes with a territory of having an iPhone. When you bought that device you signed on to a culture of consumption that is enforced by the developer of that device.

    The developer can’t force Apple to let the developer give it to you for free. Apple doesn’t tolerate free very well and anything that is free on Apple is likely either a privacy nightmare or is paid for by some subscription you have with Apple.

    This isn’t a problem with the app It’s a problem with the Apple.

  • I put it on a lot of things sweet and savory alike. It goes with the rosemary, pepper, salt and coriander when I roast potatoes. It also goes into snickerdoodles or a half dozen different kinds of cake. It also makes a really good additive to soap if you make your own soap.

    It’s such an underappreciated spice, at least in the US where nobody seems to know what’s going on despite enjoying the food.

    The only time people don’t question what the flavor is, is when I make Indian food.

  • I don’t believe that the state has the right to make examples out of people, unless those people took an oath to the state and used that power to abuse people. Then, the state is obligated to do it.

    Example making is a confession of impotence. It’s a way of highlighting the fact that you have up until now failed to do what you are supposed to be doing and would like to draw attention to a specific incident where you actually follow through on your responsibilities.

    To put it another way, I think you must make examples out of people who abuse power you give them because it’s your fault and theirs that this happened. So they have earned being made into an example and you are obligated to make one. You must confess your impotence if you are in power.

    Anything less than that is cowardice and corruption.

    If you have a problem with the way that police are treated in prison then you have a problem with the way that prisons let people get treated. Under no circumstances should a police officer get special treatment at any step along the way unless that’s to make it harsher and more punitive.

  • That’s for sure and I think you can make a pretty reasonable case that they only got worse. They managed to convince most Americans that somehow were becoming more liberal despite the fact that we’re in reality we are getting more fascist every fucking year.

    We’ve moved so far to the right as a country that Joe Biden is more of a right-wing Republican than Reagan was. It just so happens that the alternative to Joe Biden is Donald Trump who is somewhere to the right of Hitler, And if Donald Trump were literate we would be in even worse shape right now.

  • This nation then reelected George w Bush while it brutally cracked down on protests and got super extra racist real fast and just in time to go murder 170,000 people in two countries that didn’t attack us.

    It’s kind of hard to believe that she’s not sort of typical of American fascism. Our actions as a nation make it hard to believe that American fascism isn’t somehow incredibly widely tolerated and promoted.

    Then we had Donald Trump, and the entire court system seems to be utterly incapable of dealing with this level of corruption or criminality but the right wing and the neoliberal apologists who own most of the revenue driven media seem to think this is somehow okay.

  • It’s not ironic it’s intentional.

    After 9/11, this country took a hard turn into fascism and boot licking. I was complaining about the new McCarthyism, the demented expansion of the police state, and the march to the right when my aunt interrupted me to say “not everyone thinks McCarthy was the bad guy there.” She said it was such smug indignation I was genuinely shocked there were people that were fans of McCarthy.

    When I said that that kind of un-American behavior leads to stuff like Kent State, she said, “If you can’t be loyal to the troops you get what you deserve.” That’s when I realized that we as a nation were absolutely fucked.