• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I just finished playing the original FF7 for the first time in like two decades. I always secretly dreaded trying to play it again, worried that it wouldn’t have aged that well as a game, or that my nostalgia was propping it up as a masterpiece when perhaps it wasn’t.

    It sucked me in and I ended up doing a 100% completion playthrough. The experience has shifted my thinking and now I’m more willing to replay older games. Just last week I found my old CD Keys and started up Diablo 2, the original, not the remaster. Now I’ve been sucked into that.

    I personally am finding that mechanically, these older games have systems with lots of depth and creativity. They give you so many options and choices, and they rarely explain all of it so your kind of left to just… experience it. I am sure this is not true for every retro game ( and ditto for some new games ) but it is something I have been feeling when playing older games.

  • Thank you for this, I am on a waiting list for CBT so this might be something that can help me a lot. I am going to try going to sleep soon, but I have that link bookmarked and open in a new window, I will be sure to read it tomorrow.

    I am working on mindfulness with my current therapist but we have not done any CBT, I am sure that it will be helpful.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my post and thank you for your advice.

  • I am sorry you have to deal with this too. I think I comment less and less because of those types of interactions, I appreciate you reading my post and responding.

    I like your idea of putting some time between myself and the conversations, I have never directly noticed before but I think your right it can make it less scary. Thank you for your advice and kindness.

  • Thank you for the marching cats, I needed to see something like that. I’m sorry you had to deal with something similar last night. I just wish we could use the internet without the abuse. I will try to remember your advice the next time it happens. I will try to go relax but it is hard to find enjoyment in the things I love when I am feeling down. Thank you for taking the time to read my post and respond.