• 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I’m not going to say they’re not real or not sentient. But I will absolutely say that they are selfish. They lack the empathy required to understand how things will affect others. They lack the willingness to sacrifice for the greater good. They lack the humility required to understand that they could be wrong, and the critical reasoning required to change their views in the face of new evidence.

    Almost every conservative I’ve ever met is either extremely rich or lives in microcosm. Hell, I’ve got extended family that have never travelled outside of their hometown and anything foreign or different to them is either ridiculed or shunned.

    They want a social hierarchy, and they want their place in it preserved. God forbid people get equitable standing.

  • I think that’s sort of the point. Sort of a two pronged approach…

    On one hand…The US Oligarchs are running out of cheap labor. This is literally their solution. Force a ban on abortions and contraceptives and you’ll see a spike of pregnancies, the unwanted children will hinder their unready families from better opportunities, and pretty much force them to work lower paid and hourly positions.

    On the other hand, by forcing more US citizens to have kids, you’ll have cheap labor, allowing you to ban “illegal immigrants”.

  • “Limitations foster creativity.”

    100% agree. But there’s no reason to limit innovation because some people can’t take advantage of it. Just like we shouldn’t force people to have to consistently upgrade just to have access to something, however there should be a limit to this. 20 years of tech changes is huge. You could get 2 Gb of Ram in a computer on most home computers back in the early-mid 2000’s…that’s two decades ago.

    I’m still gaming on my desktop that I built 10 years ago quite comfortably.

  • Your dumb conspiracy theories are based on fear and cowardice.

    The amount of people that have been “hurt” because of the vaccine is statistically insignificant, and it’s no different than the number of people that would have issues at taking any other “safe” over the counter medicine.

    Your entire belief against has been crafted and pushed by foreign actors, and your just gullible enough to buy into it.

    But your ignorance and pride will never let you believe it. You want to keep being the fool, that’s your prerogative.

  • Cletus, you can say “fuck” on the Internet. Then again, I’m inclined to believe that given your lack of punctuation or correct spelling throughout your entire post, that maybe you think it’s actually spelled “fuk”.

    And God damn do I love the hypocrisy on “believing the narrative”. Sure, we listen to the advice of the medical community, but at least I’m not taking my medical advice from a bunch of 4chan incels and facebook-addicted, soccer moms. The “narrative” lmfao, bro your entire narrative was spoonfed to you by the internet you bottom feeder.

    What next mate? You wanna harp on about how vaccines are making people magnetic or the evil 5G?