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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • Good for you, your circumstances lined up in such a way as for you to already have a PSN account through the console you own. But the issues you are ignoring are as follows:

    • it is predatory to impose such a major change (and, yes, it is major) on people AFTER they have purchased the game. The ease of creating a PSN account is an utterly moot point, a paying customer should not be forced to suffer changes to a thing they, supposedly, already owned, let alone a change which basically reduces the options to “you either give us your information, or you don’t play the game ON WHICH YOU ALREADY SPENT MONEY.”

    • the more accounts you have nowadays, the more your personal data is sold around. In addition, it’s a clear demonstration of encroachment by corporations who really should have no business forcing you to sign up to their shitty platforms.

    • it’s an extra layer of DRM, and DRM is exclusively a bad thing however you cut it (DRM means you don’t actually own the thing you friggin’ bought).

    • fuck Sony and their atrocious greed. Pure and simple.

  • Can only give you my personal example:

    I have a career in software QA, and I got into it because I personally believed in QA and its significance to generating good software for people to use. Hell, I even worked relatively low-paying jobs because it was compensated by job satisfaction.

    Then enshittification took hold of absolutely everything, QA started being flushed down the turlet in the interest of cutting costs (and, I suspect, out of management incompetence and lack of perspective), and now it feels as though my passion got stabbed.

    I still thoroughly believe in QA as an essential part of software development, I still try to do the best I can not out of dedication to a job, but to my principle-based belief that QA does more good than it does harm when properly performed. But I seldom have the context to be able to do that, instead being stuck with menial shit and/or rushed projects which don’t allow for a lot of testing.

    Test your stuff, eat the rich.

  • Arkaelus@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneBird brain rule
    2 months ago

    Honestly, the most painful part of this is the dichotomy between the internet’s potential to become an evolutionary point for us and help us develop as a species, and the way we’re using it… We have the entirety of human existence digitised for our convenience and available at the push of a button and we just use it to terrorise and hurt eachother…

  • Arkaelus@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    2 months ago

    Exactly, pointing fingers just eats into problem-solving time at this point. Just shovel’em aside and start digging that drainage ditch, s’what I say… Once the job’s done, we’ll have all the time in the world to poke eachother in the eyes.