• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Er ist offensichtlich von rechtsradikalen Ideen umgeben, aber so wie jeder persönliche unangenehme Mensch muss man sich eben andere Möglichkeiten suchen. Das wäre selbst bei illegalen Übergriffen der Fall. In erster Linie bist du dir selbst der Nächste. Du kannst ihn auch versuchen subtil rauszumobben, was aber auch schnell nach hinten losgehen kann je nach deinen sozialen Skills.

  • I thought Mortal Kombat 1 was a good introduction to the series for me. The cinematic story is a banger in the first 2 thirds, and the final part is weak, but doesn’t break its neck.

    And for quite some hours I had a lot of fun just playing it. However the gameplay will not hold up past the 2 week honeymoon phase, with all the bugs, pricing, always online and truly awful invasion mode, which is the core single player experience next to the story.

    So it depends what you expect of it, other fighting games are just better in many aspects.

  • Unfortunately it could be so many things. First off is to consider overthinking a little bit, if you feel your memory performance otherwise is acceptable most of the time. As the reason for why this happens it could be a great many things. Clean up your sleep schedule and quality first. Then maybe check and work on the diet. Vitamin deficiencies can cause all kinds of subtle trouble. Next the obligatory exercise disclaimer as it will improve functioning. It can be frustrating to deal with the human body as many things aren’t as clear cut.