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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • You’re not wrong, but voting third party or no vote in the general doesn’t do anything positive for change. It’s a sad reality, but you have two options for the general, and local and state elections are where change can happen. Ideally you’d have primaries, but that didn’t really happen this cycle, although I personally don’t think it would have made a difference this cycle. Again, it’s not fair and it’s not ideal, but when life gives you lemons, you can try to make lemonade or let a fascist dictator wannabe shit in your mouth. I don’t particularly enjoy lemonade, but I’m pretty sure I would hate Trump poop in my mouth worse.

  • You’re correct, I meant Gaza, or improve the situation in Israel.

    It wasn’t pro Palestine protestors that got Biden to step down. It was the pressure from his declining mental state. Policy didn’t have anything to do with.

    I do stand by my comment that the majority of people are anti-genoocide. If every Jewish person in America was pro genocide, that would still be a minority of people.

    I still don’t understand how with all of those facts, you could possibly justify not voting Kamala when it seems your single issue is this particular issue, not that it’s not significant. There will be one of two outcomes in November, Dem or Rep. Unless Kamala does something exceptionally unhinged before the DNC, the candidates will be Trump or Kamala. One will 100% be worse for Gaza. Not voting, voting third party, or voting Trump are all the same thing in reality.

    All of this ignores the fact that it’s a much more complex issue than yes or no.

  • You’re not dumb and you’ve heard it a thousand times I’m sure, but you live in a country with FPtP voting and is therefore a two party system. You know that not voting or voting third party in the general election only benefits Trump. The ONLY chance of things getting better in Israel is if Kamala wins, even if she doesn’t do anything, because the alternative is things get worse. Those are facts.

    Damn near everyone is anti-genoocide, but most of us realize the reality of the situation. Kamala may make it better over there, Trump will make it worse, and there is no third option. As mentioned there’s one option for your vote that isn’t pro Trump. Voting for Kamala is the best option for Israel regardless if you think she’s doing good enough for your beliefs.

    If you disagree, tell me how you think any other vote will help Israel. If it’s purely a moral choice, explain how you think it’s morally better to turn your back on the problem knowing full well the facts of FPtP, vs voting for the best option that may make things better. The possibility of betterment is better than no possibility at all.

    In the worst case scenarios, personally I would rather say, “I voted for Kamala hoping she would improve the situation in Israel which didn’t happen” instead of, “I voted third party / didn’t vote at all, and Trump made it worse in Israel”. At least in one situation, there’s a chance.

  • This is a tough area for me. I think someone should be able to make a living researching and creating drugs. If that’s all a company does they have to make money somehow. Admittedly, I have not put much thought past that, so there may be a simple solution. Research grants and other funding can pay salaries for a time, but that’s a static income. Idk, I’m interested in how this would work without some amount of markup.

    Unless profits means everything past salaries and stuff, then I do mostly agree. However I think there has to be allowance for cash on hand and further investment in infrastructure and all those other fun things needed to run and grow a business.

  • I think both scenarios are 100% plausible. If conservatives made those claims about a political enemy, I’d look at the body of evidence that enemy has produced, and make some judgement calls. NK has a shit track record of being good to its citizens. There are videos of defectors getting shot, stories of political prisoners or just prisoners being tortured and killed, some from the United States, and mountains of other individual acts that show them them as radicals that may kill kids just because.