You got busted that you lied. How is that slander if is true.
Why not address this, create another post answer and respond to it. I was not involved in all of this and do not care much about this at all, my opinion on PCIO, GrapheneOS is well-known.
I have not checked all points but OP has some valid points, if you like it or not.
Blocked you know, you can do the same. But do not call me someone who slander others, this is seriously not the case, I at worst mock them, but this is well-known.
That is all I am going to say here.
It is not really slandering. If you check their statements regarding developers, they deserve much worse. If I would leak what they said on Reddit and via Reddit DM, that would be slandering, even if it is true.
Edit… really… 😂
PrivacyClowns are amateurs.
Skip them and follow me, you learn much more within 1 week or money back… kek. I do not censor legit submissions, never have, and never will.
Getting a new waifu.
They created their Privacy Badger extension + spread their DnT philosophy, regardless if it is helpful or not.
Talked a lot about the leak
Direct response
I think they responded a lot to Facebook, the entire scandal and started some campaigns to sue Zuck and co.
Here is what people could do
My opinion on the submission and Tech + Web, not meant to offend but my little review on this.
Why, even FOSS needs support. See OBS Studio, Wikipedia etc. Without supports good projects go to waste.
We are not talking about MS who introduce ads in Explorer which need some ad-blocking, hosts or registry hacks. Linux is more transparent and there will be options to control this.
Do I like it, nope. But it is better than alternatives to shutdown project because lack of funding or struggling to expand because only few people are willingly to donate.