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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Tobias Ellwood, the former chairman of the Commons defence committee” is about half a year behind with his accusation. So either it’s just for show or he’s not well informed about this topic.

    Already October 2023, this was in the news for everyone to read, that France and the UK are providing the geodata for their cruise missile targets and that the UK has personnel in Ukraine.

    One example article I just picked via web search: German Tagesspiegel, dated 05.10.2023


    Quote & DeepL translation:

    The British and French can do something “we can’t”

    The UK and France have nevertheless supplied cruise missiles of the virtually identical types “Storm Shadow” and “Scalp”. According to Bild, Scholz said in a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee last week that these two countries “can do something that we are not allowed to do”, adding: “So the question does not arise.”

    What he meant was that the UK and France supplied the geodata for missile targets themselves, with the UK also having its own personnel on the ground in Ukraine. This is out of the question for the German government.

  • The motivation from the previous nationalist PiS government in Poland was mainly anything they could to do against Russia or against Germany.

    So by supporting Ukraine with military equipment, they were acting against Russia. But at the same time slowed down German support for Ukraine, by blocking maintenance and factories for Ukrainian equipment in Poland. Leading to long transports across to other countries e.g. Latvia for maintenance.

    Now, with the grain, this has no Russian involvement and their own farmers are unhappy. So there is no way to go against Russia or against Germany. Also there is a new government in Poland, so I guess we have to see how that develops now.

  • The point is that Hamas doesn’t stop firing rockets. I’m not there, so I don’t know if they fire on southern Israel every single day, but twice a week everyone can read about rockets fired at Israel and sirens going off. It seems just Tel Aviv wasn’t targeted for a few weeks (this article). In the link below Ashkelon is mentioned as well with a short break of 2 weeks. But as I said before, the further north, the longer the range they need to build and with the claims they are running short on weapon supplies, this makes sense that further targets get hit less often.

    e.g. just a few days ago:

    “Hamas welcomes UN court ruling as it fires rockets on Israel (January 26, 2024; The Telepgraph)”

    “Hamas appears to have targeted the south of Israel, where attacks have become increasingly rare amid claims the group is running out of missiles. Rockets were sighted over the city of Ashkelon for the first time in two weeks.”


  • As you didn’t read the article:

    “This move seems driven by the government’s interest in collecting and centralizing biometric data for identification, tracking, and surveillance purposes,” he said. Omar agreed: “Probably to keep track of the refugees.”

    They hand out SIM cards to track those SIM cards. Using a certain messaging app on the phone or not doesn’t change SIM card tracking within the network.

  • As per comment on the hacker news discussion, Dropbox AI was apparently introduced and mentioned in the changelog on October 10, 2023 only for users from the USA.

    “Dropbox AI is currently in alpha and available in the US in EN only for Dropbox Pro, Standard, Advanced, Essentials, Business, and Business Plus. Some features may be available soon for eligible non-US customers to test.”

    I just checked my settings before reading that comment and there is no such setting on my free account (‘Basic’) from the EU.

  • Especially living in a city, this looks interesting to me. ‘Fast’ charging I’ve seen was in the range 30-60 min but then it’s like the phone, from about 20% up to 80%. So living in a city, I’d have to wait for half an hour for half the battery.

    With a swap-station, it could be nearly as fast as a fossil fuel stop. About 2 minutes for a 0% to 100% stop.

    This also allows for smaller batteries, for smaller cars, for lighter cars. You don’t need to carry a lot of overall range if you can swap/refill to 100% in 2 minutes.

  • Als Fahrrad und Motorradfahrer, ist für mich da gar keine Facepalm dabei.

    Zunächst mal bekommt das gleiche jeder Kraftfahrzeugführer während der Fahrschulen gesagt. Respektiere die anderen - eine Grundlage unseres Straßenverkehrs. Ob bei meinem LKW-Führerschein, die anderen zu respektieren, weil sie gefährdeter sind und leicht übersehen werden können. Oder bei meinem Motorradführerschein, dass man in jeder Situation gefährdeter ist, als andere mit ein paar Tonnen Metall um sich.

    Die Themen vom Zweirad-Führerschein und die Erfahrung lassen sich meist auch auf meine Fahrrad-Touren übertragen. Helm auf dem Motorrad ist schon lange Pflicht, Schutzkleidung üblich - weil Gurt, Airbag und Metall fehlen. Beim Fahrrad gehören Helm und Handschuhe für mich immer dazu - aus dem gleichen Grund.

    Gegenseitig respektieren ist genauso für Fußgänger wichtig, eben alle, die am öffentlichen Straßenverkehr teilnehmen. Dazu gehören schon Lektionen, die wir als Kinder auf dem Schulweg mit bekommen.

    Erst kürzlich hatte ich auf dem Fahrrad eine nette Situation mit einer LKW-Fahrerin, die rechts in eine Firmeneinfahrt abbiegen wollte und dabei Geh- und meinen Radweg überkreuzen musste. Also stoppte ich einfach 30m früher, sodass die Sicht aus dem Fahrerhaus auf mich frühst möglich gegeben war und ein sicheres Abbiegen offensichtlich möglich. Direkt per Hand eine Danke von der Fahrerin erhalten.

    Straßenverkehr ist ein respektvolles Miteinander und kein Gegeneinander.