Mit so einem Ton bist du halt einfach mal kategorisch unten durch, Fahrrad hin oder her.
Came from Reddit when it went to hell.
Mit so einem Ton bist du halt einfach mal kategorisch unten durch, Fahrrad hin oder her.
Ethics is too complicated of a topic for some people in here, it seems. You don’t need to be a psychopath to be wrong about this stuff, but being wrong about it is nothing to be proud of anyway.
Competitive wages and benefits… which does not mean “good” wages and benefits.
When I think of the situations that occur in everyday traffic and how people behave there, completely without google being involved, I am absolutely not surprised at the level of carelessness that radiates from such events. Though it could also be my lower trust in services like google maps because I have a deeper knowledge of the technology behind it than most people. There may be people who think of google maps as some kind of authority that has proven to not be wrong at any time…
If google had enough information and time to correct such map errors and did not out of neglect, they may still be held accountable. And I think that this is a good thing.
Nur weil auf dem Land das Fahrrad nicht so sehr hilft, wie das Auto, heißt das ja nicht, dass es nicht trotzdem Gründe gegen das Auto gibt. Es gabt halt nur kein gutes Mittel, um die Notwendigkeit zur Nutzung des Autos zu verringern.
Dass es sich hier um eine Milchmädchenrechnung handelt, ist aber recht klar, würde ich sagen. Und ich habe da noch den Fall des Onkels meiner Frau, der seit seinem Fahrradunfall ohne Helm ein Pflegefall ist und im Heim wohnt. Sowas gibt es auch.
Die Presse schreibt, dass der Radfahrer “von einem Mercedes überfahren” wurde. Das ist aber schlicht falsch. Der Radfahrer wurde mit einem Mercedes überfahren und von einem 67 jährigen Mann.
I don’t really get what you are trying to say. Do I read it as “There is nothing special about it” or as “This is a severe problem”?
And it even was the very same city that exactly 10 years ago was hit with a very violent hailstorm that caused billions in damage.
Who is this “capitalism” you are talking about? If with that you mean the general battlefield of the market, then you have a point. Of course there are people who want to keep the scales tipped in favour of the already established products. And of course the companies that produce them have connections to wealthy and powerful people. And of course that makes it harder for new product types to challenge the market. I agree with pretty much everything you wrote. Just one thing there: The choice is not an illusion. But you need to create part of the opportunity yourself. We are talking about a market here. And for participation on the market, you need the means to participate. I would guess that this is where you are coming from. Still, keeping people poor is not what is taking away the choice. It is a pretty complicated topic though, so I will stop here. Have my upvote in the meantime.
Muss denn zuvor eine Tauglichkeitsprüfung zur Wiedererlangung des Führerscheins erfolgen? Ich kenne mich da nicht so aus… aber die Idee, dass so eine Person erneut legal ein Fahrzeug führen darf, die ist mir einfach unbegreiflich. Was wäre denn tatsächlich so verkehrt daran, solchen Menschen die Möglichkeit zu nehmen, legal Auto zu fahren?