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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Dumping Twitter, to start. We’ve been able to finally get our client to try some new things using IG reels and YT shorts. We’ve also been able to grab their ear about Reddit, Lemmy, and Mastodon. While they’re not fully onboard yet with federated platforms, they’re interested, which is a huge step. We’ve also been pitching more proactive content and getting more support on strategy shifts to have a more conversational back-and-forth with the client’s audience. They used to prefer to get people off open comments and into private DMs. We have been pushing them to be more transparent and human with their direct engagement.

  • I’d argue the opposite. People have been fed up with the mainstream platforms for a long time now. Now that we know how social media grew grassroots terrorism and that the platforms allowed it for ad clicks, I’d say it’s a good time to pivot away from the traditional models of the last 15-20 years, move away from the Facebooks and Twitters, and try something new.

    Professionally, I lead a team of digital artists and oversee digital marketing efforts for a government client. The chaos and burning out of Twitter and Reddit has been a great time for my team as we’ve finally been given the latitude to do new work and build new strategies instead of just doing the same bullshit over and over. I’ve started enjoying work again and my team has been energized because everyday there’s something new to overcome. And because the social media ecosystem is so turbulent, it’s actually removing the pressure from us because our client understands that we are operating in new territory. Essentially, we are being allowed to fail in the pursuit of innovation.

    I’m pumped to be a part of this evolving shift. There’s so much potential. Also, I’m selfishly enjoying watching these fucking assholes like Musk flail and burn through billions of dollars as a result of their hubris.

  • Talentless hack Jason Aldean released a song titled “Try That in a Small Town” with an accompanying music video. It’s loaded with racist dog whistles with nods to lynching; which is what got the video pulled off CMT.

    It’s basically just a poorly arranged tirade insinuating that small, white, christian towns are safe while black, lefty, cities are dangerous. The imagery in the video strongly suggests that all of the riots, dissent, protests, and problems in the US are everyone else’s fault except God-fearing white people. Typical fascist shit, blame LGBTQ people, black people, migrants, atheists, literally anyone else in order to avoid responsibility and justify killing/jailing - LYNCHING - those they seem to be causing all their woes.

    Now, I am originally from a one red light town in the South and can personally vouch for the fact that these “small towns” are pits of rape and misogyny fueled by the same old Catholic concept of illiterate congregation lead by an evil fuckface telling them what they should believe and do. Just because many of these ignorant dipshits are Baptists or some other pointless protestant denomination doesn’t change that the playbook is always the same. I mean this, I graduated high school in 2008 with people who literally couldn’t read, if you needed any reassurance that the plummetting literacy rate in the US was accurate.

    I’ll finish off my soapbox here with this. I love country music. But like all other genres, there’s what’s on the radio, and there’s everything else. I’m not gonna sit here on a pedestal and say that I never get a pop-country tune stuck in my head. A lot of them are fine; pandering and rehashed same old lyrics and chords, but they’re catchy for a reason. This Jason Aldean song isn’t even that. It’s poorly written and the music is objectively not good. It’s just loud. That’s it. It’s just talentless noise. One thing that has made me happy as a country music fan, is that the country community has largely come out against the song and it’s message. If you happen to read more about this, you’ll see plenty of country artists slamming it for being garbage. You’ll also see that most of the “celebrities and influencers” standing up for Aldean are MAGA republican politicians and washed up performers who can’t get work anywhere because of their shit ass opinions.


  • Yep, airport for sure. I used to get sick everytime I flew. Not anymore and in hindsight it seems stupid that I never masked at the airport before. And doctor’s office if it’s my primary care or urgent care. Not much of a need for a mask at the dermatologist. Basically if I’m somewhere there’s a fuck load of contagious people.

    Recently though, the air quality has been so bad from the wild fires up north that I’ve worn a mask while out. I came home one day from coughing like crazy and my throat was sore. I thought I was getting sick until I put two and two together about the thick haze of wildfire smog. Masked up until the AQI went back down and saved myself some discomfort.

  • Yep. That was the organization exodus for my last job. Without any warning or planning, a state government agency, demanded everyone come back first week June 2021 when not a single other state office was even considering it. It was way out of left field and threatened to completely fuck up many people’s lives and there was a mass exodus. Staff left agency wide. I think it was somewhere around 300 employees of a several thousand. Which may not seem like that much, but when 300 people quit in one agency over the course of two weeks, it’s extremely noticable lol. The leadership at the top got berated publicly by the governor and they had to reverse course to stop people from leaving. But hey, I got a promotion, a huge raise, and got to demand my telework schedule because I instantly became more important hahaha.

    The next exodus was my specific division. The deputy director we all liked and the media relations manager we all liked were fired out of nowhere by the same agency leadership that fucked up in the telework debacle. They placed their own drones in the two spots and it absolutely decimated morale. Not to mention the stool pigeons they selected are two of the most incompetent people I’ve ever had the displeasure of working with. I took a high-paying job with a federal contractor and bounced. Four people left in the few months following. They hired new people, two of which left within three months. I still talk to the social media manager who’s still there and she fills me in on all the bullshit they’re continuing with. Out of a public affairs division of 14 people, there’s only six still there that were there when I left last September.