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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 28th, 2024


  • Agreed. I work in healthcare. As healthcare workers we are obligated to treat any patients regardless of their political affiliation or background. I just provided services to a guy the other day with a huge swastika tattooed on chest. Ive administered care to prisoners, bully/aggressive patients, racists, sexists, and others I would not normally would not align myself with. It does not mean i support anything my patients do or their viewpoint. You cannot have people determining on their own that they are not doing their job because x,y,z especially with more public services involved. It is a very slippery slope

    You cant make exceptions for some circumstances without the effects/consequences extending to other cases for opposite side as this commenter noted. All mail legally needs to be delivered, even in Canada. Props to the postal worker for trying to stand up for what they believe but agreed they should lose their job for it.

  • U.S. here. I “donate” blood regularly to Vitalant. I enjoy the way they do it. You get “points” or often something free for donating (shirts, your name in their sweepstakes to win something large, etc.). You can use the points to redeem gift cards or choose to “donate” the gift card amount back to the organization.

    My thoughts: I think these organizations have more donors when they offer compensation, even small vs if they did not. I saw Red Cross offer a chance to win a PS5 once and I’m quite sure it caught some peoples attention and earned them more first time donors -> potential long-term donors.

  • Ive cosplayed a handful of times. Maybe 4 or 5? Elektra Netflix version was most fun as someone gave me their sparing sais and I found other Netflix Daredevils at the time to pose pics with and pretend to spar.

    I was Momo from My Hero Academia. A generic agent from Psychopass. The gun prop i have is fun. It flashes and talks. Jealous now though as there are some that transform. It was cool when I found other characters from the show.

    Lastly, I was a terrorist from Counter Strike. I had rubber knives, grenade, sunglasses and I drew a mustache for myself!

    I havent cosplayed in a while though and havent been to any conventions lately

  • Yes, they are required to treat anyone, regardless of status. EMTALA.

    For your first question, we know and if not directly told, sometimes we have high suspicions. I employ social workers who directly ask what their social situation is (housed, finances, etc) and for any uninsured we ask if they would like Medicaid. More often than not they disclose (CA is a lot friendlier than TX) and we document it and find the appropriate resources for them. If they dont tell us, we dont document our suspicions (because we cannot objectively confirm) but we can def tell. They tend to speak another language only, be very guarded with their questions, etc. We often have Chinese and Hispanic individuals undocumented. We connect them to MediCal, PRUCOL, and treat them like anyone else, providing them as much support and resources as possible.

    I’m not sure how forthcoming they are in Texas but im very positive these Texas hospitals also know which active and prior patients are undocumented if that information is disclosed. It is not difficult to search charts.