That’s a pretty bad take, people into tech seem to mostly use firefox, people who aren’t probably don’t care, and for the people who know baout it and prefer another, can well, just uninstall it, so why not just have firefox so its simpler for everyone?? Like, on Manjaro and Garuda I could do well with that, but what if I use Ubuntu? The browser I like the most is Vivaldi, witch isn’t on the package manager, meaning that I need to download a browser to download another one instead of just using the one already in it to get it
These features are why I prefer it over firefox, but I am curious about how it will be affectes by Manifest V3, if it losses things like an adblocker and dark reader, witch I doublt, them I will need to use waterfox, but even then, firefox, on phones and specially tablets its way worse