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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • The amount of work actually doesn’t matter (except when it does; especially the EU may consider it). The specific wordings might matter but that’s not immediately obvious. A dictionary is at least close enough to mere database that its protected status isn’t automatic. The more selective the dictionary is the more obviously it is protected since the selection process is an expression of creativity.

    Fake entries are definitely used in practice, most likely because they move the dictionary from “probably protected but the court would have to decide” to “definitely protected”.

  • Jesus_666@feddit.detoTechnology@lemmy.worldPrivacy tool
    25 days ago

    All other things aside, which Logitech mouse are you talking about? Both my G Pro and my G 305 work out of the box. Logitech also advertises them as ChromeOS compatible and AFAIK the Logitech wireless dongles are USB HID compliant so seeing a Linux straight up refuse to interact with them sounds very weird.

  • I’d love to but on my gaming rig Wine/Proton will absolutely refuse to install the Visual C++ runtime, making me unable to play most games. On another, virtually identical, Linux installation it works without issue; in fact, I have fewer weird issues like a game randomly not connecting to EOS.

    I consider it karmic justice for buying Nvidia; that’s the major difference between the two systems.

    (Update: The latest Wine version seems to have fixed this. I’m certainly not complaining.)

  • How about autoscrolling shmups where you don’t die after every hit and get to upgrade your ship between missions?

    The oldschool entry in this niche would be Tyrian – released in 1995, made freeware in 2004, then ported to modern OSes.

    2004 was also when Jets’N’Guns came out. It looks more modern, has a quirky sense of humor and a badass metal soundtrack. It also has a sequel.

    Both games can be found on your (PC) digital marketplace of choice.

  • When AMD introduced the first Epyc, they marketed it with the slogan: “Nobody ever got fired for buying Intel. Until now.”

    And they lived up to the boast. The Zen architecture was just that good and they’ve been improving on it ever since. Meanwhile the technology everyone assumed Intel had stored up their sleeve turned out to be underwhelming. It’s almost as bad as IA-64 vs. AMD64 and at least Intel managed to recover from that one fairly quickly.

    They really need to come to with another Core if they want to stay relevant.

  • And also ells, rods, cubits, paces, furlongs, oxgangs, lots, batmans… all with subtly different regional definitions (with regions sometimes as small as one village).

    People used loosely defined measurements based on things like their own body parts or how much land they guessed their ox could plow on an average day. Things like mathematical convenience or precision were not all that important; being able to measure (or estimate) without tools was.

  • Not even very surprising. The dark and/or broody scenes tend to be a lot less serious than they look. To give an example I saw: At last year’s Wave Gotik Treffen (a huge goth event) there were plenty of posters for broody bands – and in between them there was one for the German Hevisaurus spinoff advertising their new song about bubblegum.

    And then someone went around and put googly eyes on all the posters. That’s also pretty on-brand for the scene.

  • I watched it with friends and one of us fell asleep during the first few minutes. We all ended up envying her because we fall solidly in the “nothing about this movie works for us” camp. It’s rather telling that we started making Look Around You jokes after the basement scene.

    But yeah, it’s interesting about how polarizing this movie is not for its content or message but for how it’s made. For some people it really seems to hit a nerve, for others it’s an extremely badly shot movie about a ghost with severe ADHD alternating between gluing things to walls and tormenting chatbot approximations of human children.