Fox news is saying people are supporting him because he’s handsome and we’re all a bunch of shallow morons.
Completely leaving out the fact that that CEO and others like him make decisions everyday to let people suffer and/or die for profit. To buy more yachts or whatever the fuck excessively affluent people do with money. Wipe their ass with it? Use the money from dead cancer patients who hit their lifetime maximum coverage to delicately pat their hemorrhoids clean maybe?
The media is trying so hard to spin this I hope they all get carpal tunnel from typing out all those half truths and outright lies. Then they have their claims for quality of life giving surgery denied. Then maybe they’ll get it.
As citizens we can respectfully request the ACLU and NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund to get involved to ensure his human rights aren’t violated and he stays safe.
It’ll be harder for bad things to happen to him with non corrupt watch dog agencies keeping and eye on things and hopefully showing up in person to see he’s okay.
Might as well empower the few agencies who have our backs while we’re at it. Attention to prison reform is a good thing that can grow out of this too.