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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • Oh, look, another old comedian jumps on the bigot bandwagon. It’s an incredibly transparent trend now for when they can’t write the same material that got them there in the first place, or when they are no longer working with the person that wrote their material for them.

    Take a few shots at trans people, purely for publicity, then use that sudden boost from the circle jerking media to secure yourself a Netflix special, where you can talk about how you’ve been cancelled for an hour and a half for a big payout.

    It’s just a marketing ploy for using peoples own outrage against them.

  • I have a “world bible” that I created on onenote with all of my characters, locations, lore, etc. As part of that I have my stories plotted out in rough notes, then chapter by chapter in a table, (this often changes when actually writing but it’s a great foundation).

    Lots of people use Obsidian or Notion to do the same thing. I already had onenote on all my devices, so it was easy just to add notes to my notes section if an idea came to me on the move that I could return to later.

    I’ve tried to move to obsidian or notion a couple of times, but I think I have a certain efficiency now with my crude system, and it just seems to work for me.

  • Currently in Tokyo from UK, paid for an Airalo esim before I arrived, and I was pretty impressed with how cheap and easy it’s been- and that’s with 20gbs data, which I’ve barely used.

    My service provider O2 would have charged me £7 a day with their O2 travel bolt-on, but would have still been my usual contract of unlimited calls, texts and data, just that the data would have been throttled a fair bit. This is a lot more reasonable than it used to be, but still would have amounted in a large bill compared to the one off $18 esim.

  • Peddled by disaster capitalists and Russian money/propaganda.

    And now the Tories want to pull us from the ECHR, to tear away workers rights and further privatise everything to funnel money into their own bank accounts.

    It’s damn sad there will never be a “we fucking told you so” moment, because the useful idiots that were used as fodder in this whole mess are too fucking thick to ever understand the gravity of it all.

  • You are, and that’s by design, as the core of your country from the education right down to the media and pop culture, all revolve around the financial system, designed to keep the wealth in the pockets of the few while everyone else argues over the same pointless and divisive issues that are pushed every single day. It happens in most countries, but the US is the best example due to how transparent it all is.

  • Capitalism has really done a number on these poor Americans, the right wing have managed to push the compass so far in their favour that even a lot of the most basic items in this list are considered “far left” to them.

    One prime example of the extremes of propaganda within the US has to be the mass opposition towards unions (which has thankfully began to ease in recent years.) I could never comprehend why so many people would argue against having a union to protect their own rights as workers. it was bizarre to me.

    No offence to any Americans that read this. But I’ve done my fair share of arguing for you over the years, and some of the opposition I have come up against is just completely bewildering. Almost like some sort of capitalist Stockholm syndrome.

  • Sure, those are good examples of negatives, but that is just the way of it. This happens all the time when new technology emerges. Just think about the audio industry, all of a sudden people could produce music from their spare bedrooms- jobs weren’t needed anymore. But the music industry is now far more saturated than ever as a result, as it is so much more accessible to people, without the need for specialist equipment and stacks of cash.

  • Few options available here I’d say, though I’m not aware of Vampire the Masquerade! Do the other players know that this player wants to reroll?

    Definitely work closely with the player throughout the process and have them make the major decisions needed, though it’s an excellent opportunity to drop a shocking moment on the rest of the party if they are happy for the character to die in order to feed the tension and danger of the story. It could be a good opportunity to introduce a huge villain in the story, a taste of what they’ll eventually have to face down the line.

    Other options could include taking something from the characters backstory that prompts them to leave the group in search of their own answers- retiring the character but leaving the option open for the future. Your players new character could be introduced as a prisoner or hostage, or even as an individual on their own mission that aligns with the current group.

    There are so many different ways to approach, but the most important thing is ensuring the player is happy with the decisions. Having a little brainstorming session with them in private and putting a plan together you’re both happy with is absolutely key though!

  • I use Chrome, but Firefox on my android phone. I have had ublock origin installed since the beginning. I only really use it because I manage my YouTube and Google accounts through it, and its handy for sending tabs between my macbook and PC, as well as the various other workflow features I’ve come to rely on over the last decade or so.

    Though I recently heard this was a feature on Firefox now. I used to use Firefox prior to chrome, about 15 or so years ago. I’ve been intending to switch back recently but haven’t got round to it yet.