• 8 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 12th, 2024


  • The only way to meaningfully advocate for it after your company already announced their conditions and offerings is to present value gain.

    What do you suggest concretely? What should be offered under what conditions? What would that mean as cost? What would the benefit be? How substantial is it?

    Reaching out privately to them is certainly going beyond what you are employed for. I don’t know about ill-advised - if you never disclose it or are at least mindful of that. But it’s a personal assessment. You seem to be willing to invest a lot into a single customer, who tries to do something not offered or considered by the company. Whether it’s personal interest, or first a broader better understanding of the use case, I can see how it could be worth or worthwhile. But I wouldn’t get my hopes up about changing the opinions of your company [from their information alone].

    Your company offered API access. So there is an interface available. They won’t make it free unless they see and deem it worth it to do so.

  • Does it apply if you don’t say that you are posting under the license? It may be implied, the intent is reasonably clear, but an argument of ambiguity can be made. You’re merely linking to a license.

    Does it apply if the link label mismatches the license? CC by-nc-sa does more than deny commercial AI training. It requires attribution, requires general non-commercial use, and requires share-alike.

    Personally, I prefer when it’s at least differently formatted to indicate it as a footer and not comment content. I’ve seen them smaller and IIRC italic on other commenters, which seems more appropriate and less distracting and noisy [for human consumption]. When the comment is no longer than the license footer… well…

  • I don’t think it seems like too few samples for it to work.

    What they train for is rather specific. To identify anger and hostility characteristics, and adjust pitch and inflection.

    Dunno if you meant it like that when you said “training people’s voices”, but they’re not replicating voices or interpreting meaning.

    learned to recognize and modify the vocal characteristics associated with anger and hostility. When a customer speaks to a call center operator, the model processes the incoming audio and adjusts the pitch and inflection of the customer’s voice to make it sound calmer and less threatening.