LemmySoloHer: Across the Fediverse

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I think the most memorable is probably The Wolf of Wall Street but it was nowhere near as awkward as it could have been. My sister and her husband wanted to see a movie with the family in theaters. Luckily the uproarious constant laughter from the packed theater was far more manageable than the awkward silence that would have happened with an at-home watch.

    What really got me was that a whole group of my friends had planned on seeing it the week before, but one very difficult guy insisted that he would not go see a “boring movie about financial crime” and made such a huge fuss that we finally agreed to see American Hustle instead, which was a very tame movie “about financial crime” funny enough.

    After, that guy said he was bored for the entire movie (despite the fact that American Hustle was actually pretty good). If it wasn’t for the fact that The Wolf of Wall Street is exactly the kind of movie you want to see with your friends and not your parents, and that American Hustle would have been a perfect movie to see with the family, I’m not sure it would stick out in my mind so much.

  • According to Schipper, the first attempt was dull because the actors were too cautious, being afraid to make mistakes; the second attempt was the opposite, as the actors went “crazy”. Schipper says he became “angry” and “terrified” after seeing the second take and realizing he had only one chance left; in a subsequent meeting, he gave the cast a “hairdryer speech … [it] was not a meeting that ended in hugs and ‘good talk.’ It was crazy. But the tension was built on knowing we wanted the same thing”. Schipper believes the final attempt was successful because there was an element of “aggression” missing from the other versions.[7]

    Added to my watch list, I’m super intrigued to see how the final cut turned out.

  • Aside from the joy of playing Injustice as a comics fan, I really really enjoyed that I could find something fun about playing each character. My top 2 are definitely Green Arrow and Batgirl, but it starts to get harder to choose from there. I definitely would also put Solomon Grundy and Batman up there too, I totally get why you have them in your top roster.

    I never owned Injustice 2 and unfortunately didn’t get to play enough of it to choose, let alone get to try all the awesome new characters they added. I’m sure a day will come at some point where I finally get a real upgraded gaming experience and can then get the sequel for myself!

  • It’s always nice to see someone else that really liked Dead Money! There’s something really intriguing about the challenge of surviving the Sierra Madre without all the fancy gear and weapons I’d been relying on for so long. Assembling the ragtag team of prisoners was fantastic too – Dog/God, Dean Domino and Veronica’s-very-own Christine was quite the cast. The only thing I didn’t dig about Dead Money was the VATS glitch with the Holorifle that causes the game to get stuck in the VATS combat animation with no way out. I didn’t confirm it as a bug until the third time it happened (but luckily after the second time I was smart enough to save immediately before testing the rifle in VATS again to see if that was the cause).