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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Both probably. Rules depends on the situation. Pushing them is how we make change in the world. Overall I’m a good boy. Passive. I will do whatever to keep the peace. But I have a rebellious streak in me, and a self loathing one apparently, and ended up with a criminal history. I am pretty meek and quiet but if you get me going I will take a stand. I think perhaps I became too flaccid at a certain point. But I’ve pretty much hung out with “rule breakers” my entire life up until this point now that you frame it this way. Some wild ones, too. I can’t blame them at all, mostly. It just depends on which side of the law your on tbh. There is way too much nuance to this lol.

    As far as social expectations as rules I usually fail miserably, but can act good enough usually. I have always avoided people. Which is why I like to come here, cause I get to write this out and now I actually feel some type of way.

  • MiddleWeigh@lemmy.worldtoCommunism@lemmy.mlProtestation
    1 year ago

    On my father’s side were Molly Maguires. I may be related to one these people in the picture 💁

    The trusts seem to have focused almost exclusively upon the Molly Maguires for criminal prosecution. Information passed from the Pinkerton detective, intended only for the detective agency and their client – the most powerful industrialist of the region – was also provided to vigilantes who ambushed and murdered miners suspected of being Molly Maguires, as well as their families.[13] Molly Maguire history is sometimes presented as the prosecution of an underground movement that was motivated by personal vendettas, and sometimes as a struggle between organized labour and powerful industrial forces. Whether membership in the Mollies’ society overlapped with union membership to any appreciable extent remains open to conjecture.

    "The charge has been made that the Molly Maguires episode was deliberately manufactured by the coal operators with the express purpose of destroying all vestiges of unionism in the area… There is some evidence to support the charge… the “crime wave” that appeared in the anthracite fields came after the appearance of the Pinkertons, and… many of the victims of the crimes were union leaders and ordinary miners. The evidence brought against [the defendants], supplied by James McParlan, a Pinkerton, and corroborated by men who were granted immunity for their own crimes, was tortuous and contradictory, but the net effect was damning… The trial temporarily destroyed the last vestiges of labor unionism in the anthracite area. More important, it gave the public the impression… that miners were by nature criminal in character…

    From a quick wiki.

    (My dad’s side is a wild bunch ngl, they have a wild streak for sure)

  • Of course. Sorry sometimes I let my inbox frighten me. The following is mostly anecdotes, bear with me, I believe I come to a point at the end.

    So energy is vibration, it’s a sea of vibration, frequency. It’s all interconnected, one vast web. And we have consciousness, which itself is super unique. We project energy out into it, thoughts can be felt, even from a far, at least in my more surreal experience.

    I’d imagine there are other things that are conscious, even to a higher degree, perhaps to the point of existing in consciousness itself entirely.

    I’m not a scientist. I didn’t even go to college. But I am a critical thinker, and I have tried to debunk these lines of thought, but I just can’t.

    So I started practicing some meditation a while ago, lucid dreaming, and came to reiki. It’s basically purposeful energy projection. Intent itself is energy projected out from our minds, and alters reality around us.

    I know it sounds wild, but when I was going to school for reiki, we’d take walk ins. We had a very very skeptical man come in, dismissive, which ofc that’s really the right mindset to have imo. I started to do my thing, I put my hands over him, and just projected a sense of calm from within me and tried transferring it into him and after about 2 minutes he began to cry and ran out. Whether that was me, or his own mind, I’m not sure, and what would the difference really be?

    So I’ve had another experience with an entity, and it still sends tingles to this day. It was like a being made entirely of those little bits of colored light that get stuck in your eyes, expanding, contracting, swirling. I felt a very intimidating aura about it. I was scared. (I had been doing some Astral projection when this happened)…but I tried to fight the fear and interact with it with my thoughts and intent. At that moment a tiny weird white ball of weird string hit my head, fell in my lap, and I got a very strong feeling that it was playing with me, like a cat, as if to say I had a long way to go in my understanding of anything at all. My eyes were open during this event, and I could literally see a mass of technicolor swarming about, even taking some vague shape of a person, but perhaps it was trying to appear as something familiar for me?

    I only have anecdotes for you, yknow. Another one which I consider a very intense spiritual moment in my life maybe more than any other, and perhaps speaks more to UAP than the others:

    I was standing with 2 people in a circle in the night. We were practicing some meditation; even what id call magic at this point in my life. I tried to project a feeling of levitation on myself and others, this was a concerted effort btw, and one of the people was less open to these ideas. After a while, I felt I was slowly shooting straight up, and the less open one of us began to basically say “holy fucking shit this is crazy”. …

    We opened our eyes and I put my hand to the sky and tried to gather our experience to a single point in my palm and projeft it straight into the sky. As soon as I did, a fucking green star fell across the sky and I fucking cried so hard.

    Basically, imo, reality is malleable. Our current knowledge of our mind and the universe leaves much room for pushing the boundaries of evolution itself. Humans are evolving. These UAP could be our own thoughts, our own consciousness. Or the consciousness of other beings far away. Perhaps being of pure energy, or consciousness, perhaps it’s even our own non corporeal form in the ether leaving bread crumbs for us to follow into the future, to make sure we keep pushing our limits.

    This is a topic I’ve spent a life time investigating, and I’m no closer to understanding, but I believe I’m better for it, from the process itself alone.

    This is one of my favorite things to talk about. As far as the govt goes…they would rather us not push, while they gather up all the energy for themselves for personal gain. There have been moments where I’ve felt a force directly opposed to my practice. What it’s nature is, I can’t fathom. Perhaps this is all my mind creating this out of real physical things, but I’ve really come to find that there is no difference. Every intent, action, and thing is spread across an infinite frequency band, multiple bands, meshed and smeared, existing at every speed all at once.

    I’m sorry if I seem crazy to you. I have accepted that I may be absolutely beyond hope, but I wouldn’t want it any other way 🙃