• milan •

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • My computer is providing a pretty neat little metaphor for how I expect those talks will go at a lot of outlets. Will there be room for two massive RPGs? Will some opt to make room for Starfield while others go for Baldur’s Gate 3? Will Tears of the Kingdom take up the space they otherwise would have occupied? Or will another game that hasn’t been released yet plant its flag in the proverbial hard drive?

    Way to deliberately miss the point.

  • Well maybe you should learn about about communism before you start posting ignorant comments then.

    There’s a lot of debate about past socialist states in every leftist community but a lot of people consider countries like China and the USSR to be transitional states and not communist yet. They took over the existing apparatus with the goal of slowly transitioning to a communist utopia. I am oversimplifying of course and if you are truly interested I suggest you read Capital by Marx or at least an abridged version. You can argue about whether their intentions were pure or if they could ever have succeeded, but you can’t argue that Mussolini had the same stated goals as any past or current socialist nation even if you just focus on economic policy.

  • Snopes going to bat for capitalism doesn’t mean it’s false. Just because Mussolini’s corporativismo is not the same as American capitalism doesn’t erase the link between corporations and the state under fascism. Mussolini saw the benefit of the control corporate structures had over their workers and merged it into the state. America’s link between corporations and the state isn’t as overt, but American politicians are funded by corporations who themselves consolidate and conspire in the effort of profit seeking.

    The part about Webster hiding the true definition because if their corporate overlords is a bit tinfoil hat, but it’s not 100% false either. The involvement of corporations on how we view history is not as direct as McKay implies, but capitalism gets whitewashed in the history books through politicians funded by corporations.

  • a man who possesses a vision for Russia and the high principles to lead it

    Just a friendly reminder that the guy who the US media is constantly writing propaganda for is a white supremacist whose only problem with Putin is that he isn’t openly racist enough. Fuck Putin but fuck Navalny as well.