• 22 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Yup its the only suburban neighbourhood in north America that is completly car free.

    Trouble is zoning laws in Ontario and anywhere else in north America prevent cities from building more neighbourhoods like this.

    Examples include things like minimum parking requirements, minimum setback, fire codes and even policing all play a part in shaping this. If you ever look at new suburban developments, think how hard its to get a convenience store or small supermarket build right inside the suburb.

    Its a shame because we really should not be building suburbs with the same two or three single family homes repeated over and over, its really inefficient. We should start having townhomes, fourplexes, small 4-5 level mixed use condos, subways and trams with busways incorporated. Existing suburban layouts should also start adding missing middle housing inside whereever possible by changing zoning.

  • The phrase “Starter homes” no longer exists IMO. The homes that used to be starter homes are really way out priced and no longer really being built.

    Instead this phrase is more along the lines of “starter condo”. Developer’s are only really building single family homes now (in north America) or large condo towers. One is for families and the other for singles/couples or investors. Most condos in a 3-4 bedroom range as well are nonexistence or priced higher then a single family home.

    Things like fire codes and parking minimums are really causing this IMO. Most cities and towns are talking about the “missing middle”. These are homes placed between highrise condos and single family homes, such as four plexes, low rise developments and laneways. There are a few other examples as well.

    Unfortunately developers can’t build these, not because of week demand, but because things such as parking requirements and fire code restrictions really make these developments not financially feasible for developers, plus cities can choose to shoot down any proposals or permits which adds to the cost. (Better to build whats know and tried)

  • I agree with your first statement, police are not therapists. They are not trained for this. They are basically a “sledge hammer” and everything is a “nail” per their training.

    But, blambing the parents for calling for help should not be something that should be stigmatised in this way. Sure, maybe calling the police may not have been the best option, but the system is really failing us in general when people ask for help.

    Calling a help line should really direct you to more appropriate service. Though this may not exist.

    Edit: thanks for everyone that read the article (doing the lords work). The parents called a help line and the help line forwarded it to the police. So the systems for help failed the people they are designed to help in a way.

    Also no need to downvote snownyte so badly guys!

  • Condos need to be built for families, give me more three or four bedrooms in the city, and make it more affordable.

    Condo developers can’t build these affordable three or four bedrooms though, because on average these layouts are about 20% larger in size to their comparable European unit layout. This is all to due to building code, and something called “point access layout” vs “common corridor layout”.

    If we could get more families in the city buy making costs comparable in sq/ft to a single family home in the suburb we could make cities more enjoyable and give people a better sense of belonging, as opposed to just commuting in for a few hours.

  • A little anecdotal, but I personally try and go outside every or every other Sunday at minimum to pickup litter around my local trails.

    What I find is the only people that say thank you verbally are stereotypical Canadians, or Canadians that seem to be second generation at the least in my eyes.

    Everyone else that does not fit this stereotype seems to have a weird look on their face that almost mirrors a look of disgust or hate. Its very confusing TBH. What’s also quite interesting is that when people do stop and have a conversation with me the first question always is, “are you doing community service, or do you work for the city”.

    My answer is usually the same, “no, I am just out for a walk enjoying the trail”. There seems to be a stigma that picking up garbage makes you less and not more.

    To add, I’m not picking up litter for strangers, I’m picking it up for myself. I enjoy going for a walk on clean trail, and we both know if you don’t do something yourself no one will do it for you.