• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • I’m fascinated by your claim to be neutral, and yet the words you type out are squarely right-wing talking points. You said “I don’t agree with the ideals of transgenders.” Then in another comment we find out you have a problem with immigration. And now you’re claiming that everyone who doesn’t want innocent Palestinian children to be bombed are pro-terrorism.

    Your comments and post here are incredibly disingenuous. You’re not here for a discussion. You’re low-key trolling for an argument. I completely understand why you were banned from other places.

  • By “both sides” you mean the patient and their doctor, right? They’re the only two sides who should be involved in medical decisions.

    You’re allowed to disagree, but you don’t get a say in someone else’s health, especially when you clearly don’t have any background or knowledge of the field. You’re just someone who doesn’t understand thinking they know more than the experts. You don’t.

  • I’ve been with every one of my pets when they were euthanized. It’s a horrible experience but I wouldn’t want it any other way.

    Good on you for being there. I know a vet tech and she says too many people take the easy way out and just drop them off at the vet’s office. Their sick animals spend their last few minutes scared and looking for their owners. It breaks her heart every time.

  • Technically he was probably already dead, but a guy on a bicycle was killed by a van right in front of my house. I heard a crazy noise followed by screaming so I went out to see. The guy was lying still by the side of the road. His bike was mangled about 30’ down the road where it had been dragged in the undercarriage. And his groceries for dinner that night were scattered along the gutter.

  • OutlierBlue@lemmy.catoAtheist Memes@lemmy.worldBased
    17 days ago

    By your logic, we can never know if drugs are in fact safe, because we can’t prove they’ll never have ill effects. Can’t prove a negative, after all.

    Yes, that’s exactly right. You can not prove that a drug is completely safe under all conditions because it’s impossible to test it under all conditions.

    You do this enough and you can say the drug is in fact safe

    “Safe” in this case does not mean a guarantee. You can say that the drug is safe enough for use. You can’t guarantee 100% safety, but you can say that the benefits greatly outweigh the risks. Vaccines are safe because the good they do overwhelms the dangers. However it dies not guarantee no side effects.

  • OutlierBlue@lemmy.catoAtheist Memes@lemmy.worldBased
    17 days ago

    lack of evidence is, itself, evidence that a thing does not exist.

    That’s not correct. However if we continually fail to find any evidence for its existence or any way it interacts or effects our reality, we can safely act as though it does not exist since it won’t change things at all. There could be a divine being out there, but until we have evidence that it interacts with our reality in some way, we can put it aside and go on with our lives.

    It does not change the truth of whether it actually exists somewhere or not.