• 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023


  • Computational-Fluid-Dynamics simulations are RAM-limited, iirc.

    I’m presuming many AI models are, too, since some of them require stupendous amounts of RAM, which no non-server machine would have.

    “diminishing returns” is what Intel’s “beloved” Celeron garbage was pushing.

    When I ran Memtest86+ ( or the other version, don’t remember ), & saw how insanely slow RAM was, compared with L2 or L3 cache, & then discovered how incredible the machine-upgrade going from SATA to NVMe was…

    Get the fastest NVMe & RAM you can: it puts your CPU where it should have been, all along, and that difference between a “normal” build vs an effective build is the misframing the whole industry has been establishing, for decades.

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  • I think he is simply going to criminalize being a member of the Democrat party, & have “sheriffs” & gangs go hunting them down, in US Civil War Part2, which should begin in total earnest, within 4y of him being put in charge, by the Repubs

    ( I expect Biden to flub it, no matter what, and Trump’s … psychopathy … is “improving” ).

    just get some popcorn, & wait & see: evidence will speak its truth, in a few months/years, obviously…

  • Immunize the mods against ideological-torque:

    all the mods who can afford to need to subscribe to https://Ground.News in order to SEE when the community is being moved off target by unconscious bias or by machiavellianism,

    and, seeing what’s happening, they then have the leverage to counteract it, by posting news items that’re being ignored, or underreported, see?

    Proactive correction ( :

    _ /\ _

  • Whether true or not, I don’t know.

    I DO know, however, that humans are not institution-puppets without any internal-motivations.

    IF they did do so, THEN that doesn’t mean Al Jazeera was in any way complicit.

    Apparently there’s some problem at The Washington Post, now, with the guy in charge of the news-room having participated in a crime, & now is ejecting people who have journalistic-standards…

    Does that mean they all are guilty of what he did?

    How could it?

    We’re in an age where considered-reasoning is being displaced by dogwhistle ideology/prejudice, & it’s required for humankind’s survival, that we get competent in journalism’s methodical & careful discernment.

    All of us.

    Our kind’s life IS at stake, this century.

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  • Ah, but the difference

    Yehoshua “Jesus” ( Iosa, actually, according to a Roman friend I had ) benJoseph was:

    • falsely-convicted
    • by legalists
    • whom benJoseph had consistently shown to be hypocrites, &
    • they were using legalism to convict him, to get even with him.

    Trump, however, admitted in court that “Mother Theresa couldn’t beat these charges” or something like that:

    Trump was convicted:

    • fair & square
    • honestly,
    • of actual-crimes
    • he himself committed.

    “Just like Jesus” my arse.

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  • That HELPS Netanyahu.

    WHEN people with values/principles get out of the way of abusers in authority … then the abusers have an easier time of tilting the playing-field.

    Same as all the Democrats who vacated institutional-positions, “in protest” of abuser apointees, who then had an easier time of wrecking the United States.

    You have to get in harm’s way, & you have to remain in harm’s way, if you want the resultant-world to be worth-living-in.

    The Great Filter, this century, will test humankind’s ability to do that.

    If not, if “getting out of evil’s way” is humankind’s feelings’ choice, then harm/evil’s going to butcher humankind’s viability, & laugh all the way to humankind’s grave.

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