Isn’t that bascically a “free mandate”, i.e. what every liberal democracy (that I know of) uses?
Isn’t that bascically a “free mandate”, i.e. what every liberal democracy (that I know of) uses?
Technically correct - the best kind of correct.avi 🙄
Do they have the sligthest chance of winning?
Both KDE and Gnome are stable. Anaconda works the same way for both of them, because that stuff doesn’t have anything to do with the DE.
It really depends on your preferences. KDE is easily customizaple and has a lot of features and UX improvements. But it can clutter quite easily: these options can be overwhelming.
GNOME follows a very strict workflou design that’s more similar to how phones work and helps an ADHD brain, like me to focus more. You can customize it, but you’ll do so at your own risk.
Best to try out both in a live system and do some things that emulate your day-to-day workflow. Then you can decide. And you can always change afterwards! If you have a separate home-partition, reinstalling a new DE/Distro is super trivial.
Since when is there a “left” candidate in the US elections?
Unironically: That’s really cool of you. :)
Welcome to (late stage) capitalism.
The market of publishing houses is waaaaay too monopolized for that to take an effect. It’s like boycotting Amazon.
Especially Morty’s constantly thinking so much about her feet that it can override the telepathic communication.
The whole premise is stupid, but if you take that into account, it can at least not be that soulless Hollywood garbage.
I got this joke just now. Thank you. ^^
Was story mode actually decent for what it was?
Name one instance where that worked when it wasn’t connected to a massive public outcry. Do you remember the Call of Duty “boycott”? Ubisoft is still in business, too.
Also, the majority of book buyers don’t know or care about this verdict.
Also also: The publishers won’t even be able to correlate the “lost” revenue of individual people boycotting with their shitty behavior. It’s not “Oh, we sold 1000 less copies of this book than expected, because we fought the archive.” It’s more: “Our predictions were off by 1000 copies. No idea if that’s because of some tangible factor, or just ‘noise’.”
I really appreciate the sentiment, but sadly: Individual boycots that aren’t attached to a concertated campaign sadly don’t work. Pirate away, but you can be certain that these publishers don’t know that you exist.
Google “retrobrite” and you’ll find a bunch of guides.
It says that it s “inspired” by monospaced fonts. I imagine they mean stuff like the tiny serif on the lowercase i
I didn’t know that one yet. Thank you. (:
You can just convince the people that yous hand was forced to not adress local issues, creating a de facto virtual representation.