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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Mods are a different beast and not representative of the game, devs, or player base. Mods like this often get removed from big modding sites like Nexus, forcing them to be mostly in their own spaces. (There is/was a bg3 mod overhaul that makes every black npc white, some lesbian npcs into men so they are straight couples, the ability to change your gender and lock it to the body types. Etc and so on. But you can’t find it on Nexus. I remember the white Wyll mod but it got removed within 3 days)

    It’s another matter entirely when a developer bakes this kind of shit into the game. Not every game has mod support and not everyone mods.

  • Yeah, I still browse reddit from time to time (mostly when lemme feed is dried up or I’m at my computer. I don’t browse it for hours like I used to, though. And I haven’t made a comment that wasn’t on r/lfg for months.

    Most of my feed is about Canada, makes sense, I live there. But a vast majority of it is right wing propaganda. Anti immigration, pro PeePee, anti Trudeau, etc. Every week a new right wing subreddit crops up.

  • US has the highest domestic violence / death by gun rates in the entire world.

    There is no such thing as good guy with a gun. Look at the victory parade just last week. People with guns everywhere just ran away for their lives instead of shooting the bad guy with the gun they love boasting about.

    The worst mass shooting in Canada in history was 12 dead. What’s the worst death toll in the US?

    The last school shooting in Canada was about 20 years ago, when was the last one in the US?

    If this Australian couple had guns, 90% chance she would have been shot and killed by beer husband instead of whatever means he used. The police should have done their jobs.

    That is the reality.

  • I used to have a neighbor who was one of those massive truck, baseball cap, toxic macho men. He would often talk loudly in his driveway and keep me up at night.

    He claimed his dog was a wolf hybrid. This dog was extremely aggressive and would attack children if given the chance. I NEVER saw that dog outside of the house. Being taken to walks, nothing. I only ever saw the dog through the door a couple times and every time it was the super aggressive barking. Not the normal bark, the one combined with bearing teeth, growling. Stuff from nightmares.

    I don’t know it that dog was a wolf dog, apparently they are legal to keep in Canada but may be banned on a municipal level. I wouldn’t put it past a toxic macho man to own a dangerous animal, not train it to scare children away and make himself look like a “tough guy”.

    No one that I know of got hurt by this dog. And the dog was isolated enough that it being a “wolf dog” was the only rumor. The guy claimed that he walked the dog super early in the morning -before anyone was out and about to avoid conflict with people and other dogs, but I never saw it.

    But I never seen him interact with his dog, never let it out. Never play with it. It’s not a pet at that point. It’s a dangerous doorbell.