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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024


  • I ran Ubuntu for a couple of years, and then I switched to PopOS because I didn’t like the direction that Ubuntu was going.

    imo Pop takes everything that made Ubuntu great and makes it better. It’s not bleeding edge though, but it is stable if that’s what you’re looking for.

    I recently made the switch over to an Arch based distro for the first time ever (Garuda Linux is the distro) and I’ve absolutely loved that change too. I feel like Garuda at least, I can’t speak for all Arch based distros, but Garuda is very user friendly, sleek with KDE apps including Plasma, and very powerful. I like to game on my laptop and have definitely noticed some framerate increases after switching to Garuda.

  • Reminds me of an early application of AI where scientists were training an AI to tell the difference between a wolf and a dog. It got really good at it in the training data, but it wasn’t working correctly in actual application. So they got the AI to give them a heatmap of which pixels it was using more than any other to determine if a canine is a dog or a wolf and they discovered that the AI wasn’t even looking at the animal, it was looking at the surrounding environment. If there was snow on the ground, it said “wolf”, otherwise it said “dog”.

  • Star Trek really has 2 different genres, there’s action/adventure and there’s real hard sci-fi where philosophy is at the forefront. Voyager generally appeals more to the action/adventure fans, whereas the previous iterations appeared like the entire series was heading in a more philosophical direction with TOS to TNG to DS9 increasing in their thoughtfulness. VOY was seen as a huge backslide to people who were tuning in largely for the philosophical aspect of the show.

    Considering there was and still are very few popular philosophical and thought provoking shows that challenge the viewer’s world view and biases, I think it’s fair to be upset that the new direction of the show is to dumb down everything and focus more on the action.

    Of course, that’s not to say that Voyager was completely devoid of any philosophical debate, but I don’t think anyone can make the case that it’s equally as intelligent as TNG and DS9.

  • LTS just means Long Term Support in case you weren’t aware. It means no new development is happening, but security exploits will be patched as soon as they arise.

    If you just want stability, LTS is the way to go. If you want all the cutting edge bells and whistles and are okay with potentially some instability (but probably not much) then use the latest version.

    If your device isn’t connected to the internet during general use then I wouldn’t worry too much about updating anything. Security fixes aren’t important if there’s no way to connect to your device.

  • One of my favorite facts about what you just described is that “Christ” in Jesus’ name isn’t his last name but instead essentially means “the annointed”. Annointing is a religious practice in which a holy figure puts oil on you. And the name “Jesus” can be translated throughout the ages to basically be equivalent to the name “Joshua” in today’s English. So “Jesus Christ” today is basically “Oily Josh” lol