The general young population uses a fair amount of LLM services, so yes
But… Then that’s literally false?
Yeah, modern AI-assistants are LLMs, that’s not surprising. I’d even argue that LLMs are the right tool for the job here (but not all AI, or at least only as the part that binds the rest together)
I’m very disappointed people are making fun of the kids, honestly. It’s like people forgot how this is the exact same situation as when we were kids, with the older people making fun of us
I was hoping that the cycle would have been broken with the internet, but I guess not
It’s just the next step in the evolution of language, humour, culture, and expression, it happened before, and it will happen again. Except it will be somewhat different this time with the internet allowing complex, instant, and global communication. Things will certainly change and develop much faster than they used to. This to me, however, is just exciting more than anything else, I love novelty and new stuff
I mean, queer people use about/among themselves sometimes. Over time it might get more reclaimed like “queer” was
But it will take time, either way, and some people will never be okay with the word, as they have too much bad association with it, just the same as with “queer”
I sometimes use it for comedic value, though relatively rarely. I avoid using it among people who I don’t know well, though
However I have a slight problem in that I struggle to connect to my mirror image even when awake and sober lmao
Then again, sometimes it does feel like I’m dreaming when awake and sober so
Sure, but deadlock isn’t exactly late. And if there’s a time when you want to add more developers, then an alpha when the game is still in the early stages is the best time to do so
I mean, they’re not gonna stop developing deadlock once it comes out. It’s likely gonna be a decade long project at least. More hands won’t hurt.
Why would it never be easy? There’s no fundamental reason for why it can’t work as well as on windows, or any other operating system
Private companies, especially global ones, have too much power. Isn’t it kinda fucked up how a company can overrule laws in multiple countries all over the world, just due to how strong their presence is?
Ok but this is very simple. Everyone can set up something like this using home assistant and a few sensors connected up to it
Except you can say this literal exact thing about the opposites too
Should black people have just stayed slaves and not have rights even though “they are absolutely convinced they should have”? Should us queer people never fight back and fight for acceptance? Etc etc.
The actual difference is the arguments for the specific position. What sound arguments are there for racism and slavery? What sound arguments are there for queer-phobia? What sound arguments are there for not following a vegan diet beyond “it tastes good”?
They literally do though? Have you ever seen a chicken farm? Or a mink farm? Or dozens of different examples of factory farming?
A few dead animals don’t matter if you can fit in 20x the amount of chickens in the same space
Where is the border between acceptable and not acceptable lifestyle? The animals can’t consent. If you beat your wife, is that also an individual lifestyle we have to respect? What if you neglect and beat your pets, for a closer example? What if your individual lifestyle is dumping trash into the ocean?
In theory? Yes. That’s the point. All I’m saying is that it’s not literally impossible, why is it so hard to understand?
Well, here we need to specify what “artificial” in this equation means. Because to me it just means “created by humans” (so, not natural processes). It doesn’t say anything about it not being able to be near-identical to natural brains
Yes, absolutely. Because at a minimum we can recreate the human brain, as we know the human brain can exist.
The question wasn’t whether it’s inevitable, but whether it’s possible
And the answer to whether it’s possible is a clear: Yes, because we already have general intelligence
But it’s very much not an inevitability, no. Civilization could always collapse before we get to that point, after all
That the human brain exists is enough evidence that intelligence is possible. An AGI similar to the human brain is then possible at a minimum
Can’t say much more than that for sure, but you have a starting point.
Wtf, what is this heresy, this isn’t monster! /j