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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I once read an article that basically called the military a billion dollar vocational school program and it really shifted my perspective. Like I kinda don’t give a shit about most people or why they join - maybe it’s that chance at upward mobility, maybe it’s the desire to serve a cause, maybe it’s a desire to feel a part of something bigger, all of which are legit human needs and desires. As an idea, I’m kind of neutral leaning towards negative in the military. It’s when I start looking at it in the broader context thag I get angry, and it’s not necessarily at the rank and file, and sometimes not even the mid to high leadership. It’s the presidents and the politicians and business people who lead the whole thing and play games with people’s lives. I even have sympathy for the angry knuckle dragging meatheads because they just got duped, again, by the ruling class.

  • Aha, that’s fair. I got a friend to join my PF2e campaign by saying “the mechanical building blocks are all the same. Roll a d20 and a number, total determines success.” which is, I think, an accurate description despite what a lot of PF2e players will say.

    That being said, you have any suggestions for someone who likes the the tactical nature and crunch of PF2e and doesn’t really have an interest in rules light or narrative driven games (my hot take: narrative drive exists independent of rule set - you can have a narrative driven PF2e game or any other rule system). I feel like Lancer or 13th Ave are probably the most likely candidates, but wondering if there are others.