In Memex crowd thinking environment for thoughts unthinkable to separate beings, human-machine general intelligence raises superintelligent offspring to help all life.

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 9th, 2023


  • Investing everything in engines and abandoning battery development in the early 1900s. Lead-acid batteries were heavy but usable, and electric cars were more popular until electric starters were added to engines. A disproportionately big, short-lived reason was the lack of sufficient electrical grid for electric cars trying to go far.

    Nobody in government was thinking ahead, so everyone was forced to trying to make their own money NOW, and that’s how we get inhumane tech in general. Same thing happening in computers for decades now. We need centralised R&D free from market influence for the benefit of all life.

  • “Only rice” is an elimination diet for allergies that I should have tried decades ago, but dumbass mainstream medicine never recommended.

    I found out there are slow allergies mediated by immunoglobulin G that you can’t detect while eating, so I did a blood test. Found some strong positives (milks, eggs), and then through elimination found out false negatives that I also can’t eat (peanut, soy), and, thanks to the doctor whom I went out of my way to see about IgG, some that are typically harmful to those with IBS that I also need to avoid (gluten, sunflower oil, rapeseed oil). Supplemental protective agents Aloe barbadensis, xyloglucan, and butyrate also help. Getting really healthy now - no more IBS if I don’t eat mistakes.

    The mainstream doctors say that’s all nonsense and that I’m a hypochondriac who perceives having gotten better for no reason.

    My previous successful departure from the mainstream was making my gallbladder go from “full of stones” to “empty except a thin layer of sediment on the bottom” as seen by ultrasound. Now that there’s proof, the doctors can’t dismiss that.

  • Comparison is irrelevant. It’s entirely up to your response to those stimulants, short- and long-term. For starters, the half-life of caffeine can be 3-8 hours in healthy adults, which is completely unrelated to sensitivity, which really matters, for which there is no objective test.

    I used to drink up to 3 shots of espresso per day. Then I got my first amalgam filling, and coffee started causing muscle tension that I had to medicate. Over the years, my tolerance deteriorated, irritability got worse, and now more than a year after removing that amalgam, I still can’t handle any amount of coffee daily. One shot makes me feel worse. Quarter shot stimulates but makes me angry, and then ruins the next night’s sleep.

    I don’t know what’s broken, but having had chronic inflammation and likely malabsorption in the small intestine because of slow (IgG) food allergies even before the amalgam is probably related. The gut is fine now, been for a year, after two decades of IBS. I can have a cup of decaf per day for a week before the muscle tension gets bothersome.

    There’s a book “Amalgam Illness: diagnosis and treatment” which helped a bit. Mainstream healthcare was useless against the IBS.