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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Totally agree with others about therapy. When I went, I used it as a sort of emotional dumping ground. My therapist helped me through some pieces but honestly listened a lot. I know the payment part of therapy is viewed negatively… I viewed it as a huge positive. I’m paying this person and so it doesn’t have to be an equal conversation. If I need to vent for 45 minutes straight, I can do that, and they are compensated for that time.

    In reality, I was doing the same thing to friends and family, but I’d only get 30% out at any given time, and so I just spread it around. Getting therapy helped me lessen the amount I needed to vent (some techniques help you work through things) and also have me a central location. It made me a far better husband and friend.

  • I think you’re applying your own viewpoint here to the general public.

    I don’t enjoy wrestling. I also don’t enjoy reality TV, teen dramas, horror shows, or European Football. But that doesn’t mean they don’t have value.

    If TV needs to provide some infallible, logical benefit to be worth something, then every show is in trouble. It’s practically all made up stories about nothing that matters.

    This is one of the narrow times that “the customer is always right” applies correctly. It doesn’t matter if it’s “good” by any one person’s definition. If people watch, it has value.

    I’d pay good money to see high quality Starcraft 2 tournaments on TV. I doubt many other people would. That’s how value is determined.

  • I wouldn’t be surprised if the hidden costs aren’t just around time. EVs are great, generally, but they’re sort of purpose specific. Having a 250 mile range (at best), people generally not knowing where to recharge, the additional time to recharge, not being able to charge at a lot of hotels, severely limited long range ability (without a lot of stops)… All of those add up to a poor experience. I can’t think of a time where I rented a car and an EV would have been an option that I wanted. MAYBE if I only needed to go as much as a single charge would allow me, but this is just not a good fit for rentals, in my opinion.

  • I think you’re selling the polls a little short. The good ones have corrected a lot of that kind of bias, though nothing is perfect. And bad polls are always bad polls.

    The scary reason is that we need a campaign or conversation to get people away from Trump. The dude sucks. Any president of the past 40 years should have a higher approval rating than Trump.

    Though I secretly have a theory that the Supreme Court is going to rule against Trump and kick him off. It’ll give Republicans the exit that they need from him, but they can blame the courts and capture all his followers. All the candidates will run on pardoning him, and they’ll keep that radical part of the party but just redirect them.

  • Because Trump’s approval numbers are higher than Biden’s.

    To be clear, I don’t support Trump at all but we have to look at cold hard facts. Biden does not look like a great candidate right now at a macro scale. Democrats have a real problem of loving to self-hate, and they end up skewering their own candidate. The prevailing opinion amongst my friends is “well Biden didn’t do anything”. Personally I find that to be untrue, but that’s the narrative.

    The real key is that Democrats lose when voter turnout falls. Biden is not an exciting candidate, and for some people it is an ordeal to vote, and they may not do it for Biden. A lot of people forget this… It’s not that Trump would get more votes, it’s that Biden will get less.

    Democrats are formulating a perfect way to fumble this to Trump, and I’m terrified.