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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Here is a bit of information on how Lemmy’s “Hot” sorting works.

    I’m not going to argue about how addictive any specific feed or sorting method is, but this method is content neutral, does not adjust based on user behavior (besides which communities you subscribe to) and is completely transparent as all post interactions are public. With this type of sorting users can be sure that certain content is not prioritized over others (outside of mod actions which are also public). Having a more neutral straightforward ranking system that isn’t based on user behavior reduces addictiveness and is less likely to form echo chambers. This makes it easier to see more diverse content, reduces the spread of misinformation and is much more difficult to manipulate.

  • The problem is algorithmically driven content feeds and the lack of transparency around them. These algorithms drive engagement which prioritizes content that makes people angry, not content that make people happy. These feeds are full of misinformation, conspiratorial thinking, rage bait, and other negativity with very little user control to protect themselves, curate the feed or to have neutral access to news and politics.

    Lemmy sorts content very simply based on user upvotes. If you want to know why you’re seeing a post you can see exactly who upvoted it and what instances that traffic came from. It’s not immune to being manipulated but it can’t be done secretly or in a centralized way.

    Yet based on their actions we already know that Facebook has levers they can pull to directly affect the amount of news people see about a specific topic, let alone the source of information on that topic. These big social media companies guard these proprietary algorithms that are directly determining what news people see on a massive scale. Sure they claim to be a neutral arbiter of content that just gives people what they want but why would anyone believe them?

    Lemmy is not the same thing, though it’s not without its own problems.

  • Toribor@corndog.socialto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonejpg rule
    11 days ago

    I think you’re spot on.

    Part of the reason I think it’s a little easier to render women is that they typically have smoother less textured skin than men (video game women look like they are wearing makeup even if it makes no sense), and we’re only just now getting the graphical fidelity to render realistic looking facial hair or fine stubble in realtime.

    Not that long ago making stubble on a male character usually just involved putting an irregular brown shadow on their cheeks which can be pretty indistinguishable from dirt.

  • Toribor@corndog.socialto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonejpg rule
    11 days ago

    For most 3d games you spend 99% of the time looking at the backside of the character anyway. Lady butts are just better to look at generally.

    Additionally in most character creation it seems easier to get a decent looking female character than a decent looking male character. I’m not entirely sure why but most male characters in games look like blocky fuzzy potatoes. When you start getting weird with fashion choices on top of that it just looks like a potato dressed like a goofball. With female characters you can go nuts with crazy hair colors, piercings, and wild fashion choices and it looks more deliberate somehow.

  • I think on a global scale we are all dealing with unresolved trauma from the pandemic, related catastrophes and the general economic roller coaster that we all live in every day. The severity of the pandemic lessened over time but there was no definite point where it ended and we all got to go “Wasn’t that nuts? Is everyone doing okay?” Instead it was just a slow crawl back to business as usual. We feel like we shouldn’t complain because it could be a lot worse but all of the other non-pandemic problems still exist and nothing seems to indicate that things will ever get better.

    It’s not just you that feels this way, but that doesn’t mean things are hopeless. There are a lot of people out there fighting tooth and nail to build a better future in spite of all the challenges. Try to find a way to improve the world in your own small way. It really goes a long way to quieting those feelings of helplessness and despair.