I swear I’m not Jessica

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Because “humanity” isn’t really screwed, just most members of humanity. I hate this assumption that climate catastrophe or nuclear war will be a certain end. No it won’t. Humans will survive, maybe even a large percentage of them. LIFE GOES ON.

    Maybe you want death because trying to improve things is “too hard,” but I want to live. I hold onto hope because life is more fulfilling that way. You’re just justifying apathy by assuming we’re all going to die when it’s actually unlikely to happen.

  • It is a shame, as what was really wrong with her wasn’t that she used escapism, but that she was apathetic. You can escape reality and relax, but there’s work to do if we want to contribute positively to the world. All mediums can pacify us from the horrors of the world. Books are slightly better by virtue of having a lower barrier to entry, but the internet lowered that potential barrier.

  • Where do I say that market economies are unique to capitalism? Markets always exist at some level and are at the core of feudalism as well; capitalism just provides stability from having to defend you business with personal soldiers. The state provides protection, and like I said, it is the main advancement(not the only one).

    Of course it didn’t bring down divine right. It originated from divine right empires that became more powerful than the lords.