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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023

  • Image Transcription:

    Black text on a white background reads “Coming back to your linux partition after gaming on Windows.”

    Below the text is a photo of a house, taken from across the street. Over part of the front of the house is a white sheet hung like a banner with text spray-painted on it in black and red. The black text reads “WELCOME HOME” followed by one word in red reading “CHEATER”.

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    Tumblr post by user anotherchariotpulledbycats reading

    "You apply for 20 jobs on Indeed. The silence is deafening.

    "You apply for 20 jobs on Indeed. Half of them require you to create an account on the company website. You have a trail of ghost accounts that will be used once and never again. You never receive a response.

    "You apply for 20 jobs on Indeed. One employer offers an interview, but it’s so rare for you to receive any response that you forget to check the website and you miss the time.

    "You apply for 20 jobs on Indeed. One employer offers an interview, but you don’t know the magic words that signal to the esoteric mind of an interviewer that you’re fit for the job.

    "You apply for 20 jobs on Indeed. One employer e-mails you saying that ‘unfortunately, you do not have the qualifications we are looking for’. You check the job again and see you applied to be a menial labourer.

    "You apply for 20 jobs on Indeed. Half of them require a car a car. No one stops to ask how you’re supposed to afford one with no job.

    "You apply for 20 jobs on Indeed. One employer offers a job. The commute makes you want to die in your sleep.

    "You call the HR manager for the workplace in hopes of arranging an interview more directly. They don’t even have an answering machine.

    “Employers complain that no one wants to work anymore.”

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    X/Twitter post by user Teddy Ostrow @TeddyOstrow reading ‘“In their economy, workers live paycheck to paycheck while the billionaires buy another yacht… So we’re gonna wreck their economy cuz it only works for the billionaire class,” says @UAW prez Shawn Fain in Detroit.’

    Attached is an image of UAW president Shawn Fain speaking passionately at a targeted strike rally against the Detroit Big Three automakers (General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis).

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    A four-panel comic. The first panel shows bearded man wearing brown robs with a reddish chasuble, his hands clasped in prayer as he looks up at the sky. The sky is saying “Job, you’ve dedicated your life to me and I’m so proud of you.” To which Job is replying “Thank you, God.”

    The second panel shows a closer depiction of the man saying “And you’ll protect me and my family, right?”

    The third panel shows a blue sky with a cloud saying “God works in mysterious ways.”

    The final panel shows Job looking slightly concerned as he says “…Didn’t really answer my question.”

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    A still of Verne the turtle from the movie Over the Hedge looking around a fancy garden in wary confusion. Text at the top of the image reads “The Virus bundled in the sketchy Itch.io game running in a wine bottle.” Subtitles on the image read “What is this place?”

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    A one-panel XKCD-style comic with the title “The Self-Hoster” One character is seated at a computer, talking to a second character standing behind their chair. Character one says: “It took all weekend, but now that I have a Mastodon instance running in Docker behind a reverse proxy with cloud-provided media storage, I can enjoy interacting with a federated network of other users without compromising on privacy or content moderation.” Character two replies: “Cool, what kinds of topics does your network discuss?” Character one replies: “Our experiences self-hosting Mastodon instances, mostly.”

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    X post by user The Chaser @chaser reading: ‘Stop calling it Twitter’ says guy who deadnames his own child. Underneath is a photo of Elon Musk’s face with a barely visible Tesla logo in the background and the link to the article at chaser.com.au

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    A bell curve featuring numerous wojaks and Linux distribution system icons by IQ score. From left to right they are: At the left 0.1% end of the bell curve with no IQ score labels is a boomlet wojak accompanied by Ubuntu icon and the text: WHERE START BUTTON? Between 0.1% and 14% on the left side of the bell curve, encompassing the IQ scores 55 and 70 is an NPC wojak accompanied by the Arch icon and the text: I USE ARCH BTW Between 14% on the left side of the bell curve and approximately 34% on the right side of the bell curve, encompassing the IQ scores 85, 100, and 115 is a crying Zoomer wojak accompanied by the Fedora icon and the text: JUST WORKS Between 34% and 0.1% on the right side of the bell curve, encompassing the IQ scores 130 and 145 is a big brain wojak accompanied by the Gentoo icon and the text: K.I.S.S At the right 0.1% end of the bell curve is a light brown hood wojak accompanied by the Debian icon and the text: NO TIME FOR DISTROWARS

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  • Image Transcription:

    Top text: At one point, Red Hat Linux had a “Redneck” language option for its installer. I’ll just leave these images here: Four images of the Red Hat Linux installer with “Welcome to Red Hat Linux” above it and “/ between elements : selects : next screen” below. The first dialogue box reads: [Choose a Language] What language should we use during the installation process? English Czech French German Norwegian Redneck (selected) Romanian Turkish [OK]

    Second dialogue box: [keyboard type] whichadese keyboards you got? tr_f-latin5 tr_q-latin5 tralt trf trq uk us-prokey us (selected) [yep]

    Third dialogue box: [installation method] which kinda stuff has the packages, junior? Local CDROM (selected) NFS image hard drive FTP SMB image [yep] [back up!]

    Fourth dialogue box: [note] stick in your Red Hat CD into dat coffee holder on the front [yep] [back]

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