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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023

  • You could have a command that recommends commands and then you select them on a drop-down list.

    Alternatively if the dataset is verified you wouldn’t need to worry about it running dangerous commands, since it doesn’t know any. Or you could have a list of verified commands that run automatically and any command not on that list requires confirmation.

    But this is missing the point that most of the time I know exactly what command I want to run so adding a LLM Is quite useless. The reason so much of linux is still relying on commands is because for a lot of people (myself included) commands are quick and efficient.

  • All murders happen because of emotional (killing someone in anger), economical (Theft gone wrong) or psychological (Doesn’t realize it’s wrong) reasons. none of these is prevented by sticking the murderer in a box after the murder.

    All of these are prevented by building strong social network to manage any harmful impulses before something happens, which is something any reasonable anarchist would agree with.

    Also If you think the list is incomplete then feel free to give another example.

    Oh yeah also political assassinations and wars. But your comment already addresses those.

    I think a better wording is that anarchy is naive. And I’d rather be naive than accept that this is the best we can come up with, because that’s depressing.

  • Val@lemm.eetoCommunism@lemmy.mlProtestation
    8 months ago

    so as I was trying to answer this I came across this little part. Here is a list of a couple of anarchist (and therefor communist) societies.

    None of these lasted for very long because they were quickly either subverted or destroyed by statists. This, for me, is not a flaw of anarchism (or communism) as a concept and instead happened because the movement did not reach critical mass. Not enough people believed in the system for it to work.

    Also note under the Russian revolution chapter the “”“communists”“” were the enemy, as they were the ones that destroyed the systems that were actually communists in order to create their state capitalist state,

    https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/the-anarchist-faq-editorial-collective-an-anarchist-faq-full#text-amuse-label-seca5 A.5 What are some examples of “Anarchy in Action”?
    A.5.1 The Paris Commune
    A.5.2 The Haymarket Martyrs
    A.5.3 Building the Syndicalist Unions
    A.5.4 Anarchists in the Russian Revolution
    A.5.5 Anarchists in the Italian Factory Occupations
    A.5.6 Anarchism and the Spanish Revolution
    A.5.7 The May-June Revolt in France, 1968

    But I still insist that even if these examples weren’t there it proves nothing about the potential of the system. Progress is making things that do not exist. The statement that something doesn’t exist is not proof that it can’t.

    Also if you look at my post history I have done a lot of reflecting on why I believe in anarchism and nothing has made me doubt that it is possible. The only thing stopping it is the greed of people, and as we are seeing what that causes I am hoping that too gets fixed.

    Also I absolutely support any form of government you want to create as long as you allow me to live in my commune. In that sense I am a federalist. I believe that on a macro scale humanity works best if different societies can all coexist together, so everyone can find their place. I actually see it as macro-anarchism, the same fundamental beliefs that govern an anarchist society implemented on all of humanity.

  • Val@lemm.eetoCommunism@lemmy.mlProtestation
    8 months ago

    Communism is by definition a stateless, moneyless, classless society. If any of these exist it is not communism. There is no “almost good enough”. You can’t have almost classless. If you have classes you aren’t classless, and in a single party system the party members are a class.

    I put it to you that capitalism doesn’t work. It is an inherently corrupt system that will inevitably end in the destruction of everything. Capitalism is unsustainable. Built on the myth of perpetual growth and willing to kill everything on this planet to achieve that. Given a long enough time-frame all wealth and decision making capabilities under a capitalism will be consolidated in the hands of a couple of rich companies that will only care about economic growth. Damn the consequences.

    /sidenote. I am not actually a communist but an Anarchist. I oppose all unjust hierarchies. Money, state and class just happen to all fit under this definition and because of that I also support communism.

  • Val@lemm.eetoCommunism@lemmy.mlProtestation
    8 months ago

    Humanity has progressed a lot in even the last 20 years. Using historical facts to prove something doesn’t work is not effective under these circumstances.

    Also communism (in the classical sense) doesn’t really have a practical history, as no country on the planet has purposefully reached it.

    The soviet union or china were never communist. They were both horrific state capitalist dictatorships.

    And capitalism is also crap. For example look at the impending climate catastrophe.

  • Val@lemm.eetoCommunism@lemmy.mlProtestation
    8 months ago

    Because human progress is about making things that do not exist. Saying that something doesn’t exist currently does not mean it cannot exist.

    Before the french revolution there were no democratic countries. back then you could say “Name one democratic country. Oh you can’t? Guess democracy doesn’t work.” and it would be just as valid as your claim now.